Sheep and Goat parable

Cards (15)

  • Jesus: 'Come you who are blessed by my fatIher take your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world 'for 'I was hungry and you gave me something to eat ' was I wasn't I thirsty and you gave me something to drink' I was a stranger and you invited me in 'i needed clothes and you clothed me 'i was sick and you looked after me ''i was in prison and you came to visit my father''
  • The sheep who did these things
    Will enter into eternal life with Jesus
  • The goats who did not do these things

    Will not enter into eternal life
  • Jesus' sheep
    Hear his voice and follow him
  • The chief priests and pharisees rejected Jesus and his word
  • Anyone who doesn't follow Jesus will be with the goats
  • The law is summed up in loving God and loving your neighbour
  • Without Jesus we can't possess the love required to do these things
  • When we hear Jesus and keep his word, we invite God's presence to live in us
  • God gives us the compassion and opportunities to help those in need
  • Rather than worrying about doing the right stuff, just keep following Jesus
  • It is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom to the little flock
  • "If anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him" in the original Greek the word keep means to watch over to guard so to watch over his word like the faithful servants in the parable of the talents, not the one who buried it in the ground but the ones who kept it close
  • jesus said that many will come to him on that day talking about all the great things that they've done and their good works and expecting to enter into eternal life but he will say to them "I never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness"
  • Jesus said "truly truly i say to you he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door and Jesus is the door but climbs in by another way like claiming their good works that man is a thief and a robber " that's why Jesus says I never knew you these are people who trusted in their own accomplishments and good works rather than knowing Jesus and following him