
Cards (17)

  • Democracy
    A system of government where citizens choose their representatives to form a governing body. It is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
  • Democracy originated from the Greek word demoskraton or demokratia which means the rule of the people
  • Essential elements of democracy

    • Separation and balance of power
    • Pluralistic system of political parties and organizations
    • Respect for the rule of law
    • Accountability and transparency
    • Free and independent media
    • Respect human rights
  • Separation and balance of power

    The democratic government is divided into three branches - legislative, executive and judicial - that act independently of each other to prevent concentration of power and maintain checks and balances
  • Legislative branch

    Enacts the laws of the state according to the desires of the constituents. Comprised of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • Executive branch

    Implements the policy. The President and Cabinet Members carry out the approved laws.
  • Judicial branch

    Gives meaning to the established laws and brings to justice those who violate the fundamental laws of the land. Ensures the fundamental rights and privileges of the citizenry are met.
  • Pluralistic system of political parties and organizations

    Political parties are supported as they peacefully mediate conflicts and form political views. Based on the principle that each citizen has the right to represent their opinion through civil and healthy competition of ideas.
  • Rule of law
    The principle that no one is above the law. Safeguards citizens against governance by a totalitarian leader. Every citizen is subject to the law, even the highest leader and lawmakers.
  • Accountability
    The degree to which the government needs to explain or justify what they have accomplished in relation to what was expected of them. Exemplified during elections where public officials are assessed on their output and performance.
  • Transparency
    The absence of corruption through honed behavior of government officials.
  • Free and independent media
    Freedom of expression is a necessary element in a democratic society. The media informs the citizenry, allows transparency, and plays a crucial role in education.
  • Respect for human rights
    Democracy requires respect for and promotion of human rights such as the right to vote, form political parties, own property, and marry.
  • Democracy did not exist in a perfect state, but evolved out of the refinement of its components to respond to the needs and demands of the citizenry
  • Equality before the law
    • The principle that the citizens must be equally treated by the law and proven innocent until due process. The law must guarantee no person is prejudiced.
  • Political freedom
    • Freedom from oppression and compulsion. The positive exercise of rights and possibilities for actions, as well as freedom of speech and civil liberties.
  • Rule of law
    • Every law is a product of people represented by their congressmen. The law is supreme and protects and promotes the citizenry, with nobody above it. The right to suffrage where all voters can participate freely and fully.