A system of government where citizenschoose their representatives to form a governing body. It is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
The democratic government is divided into three branches - legislative, executive and judicial - that act independently of each other to prevent concentration of power and maintain checks and balances
Givesmeaning to the established laws and brings to justice those who violate the fundamental laws of the land. Ensures the fundamentalrights and privileges of the citizenry are met.
Pluralisticsystem of political parties and organizations
Political parties are supported as they peacefullymediateconflicts and formpoliticalviews. Based on the principle that each citizen has the right to represent their opinion through civil and healthycompetition of ideas.
The principle that no one is above the law. Safeguards citizens against governance by a totalitarian leader.Every citizen is subject to the law, even the highestleader and lawmakers.
The degree to which the government needs to explain or justify what they have accomplished in relation to what was expected of them. Exemplified during elections where public officials are assessed on their output and performance.
Freedomofexpression is a necessary element in a democratic society. The media informs the citizenry, allows transparency, and plays a crucial role in education.
The principle that the citizens must be equallytreated by the law and proveninnocent until due process. The law must guarantee no person is prejudiced.
Freedom from oppression and compulsion. The positive exercise of rights and possibilities for actions, as well as freedom of speech and civilliberties.
Every law is a product of people represented by their congressmen. The law is supreme and protects and promotes the citizenry, with nobodyabove it. The right to suffrage where all voters can participate freely and fully.