
    Cards (55)

    • Cancer
      A collection of diseases with the common feature of an uncontrolled increase in cell number leading to invasion of the surrounding tissues and spread to other parts of the body (metastasis)
    • Cancer is a disease where we lose control over our own cells
    • Hallmarks of cancer

      • Self-sufficiency in growth signals
      • Limitless replicative potential
      • Insensitivity to antigrowth signals
      • Resistance to apoptosis
      • Angiogenesis
      • Invasion and metastasis
      • Immune avoidance
    • Hallmark 1: Self-sufficiency in growth signals

      • Cells receive signals to proliferate
      • In the absence of these signals cells are not able to proliferate
      • These signals are commonly called growth factors
    • Hallmark 1: Self-sufficiency in growth signals

      1. In the presence of growth signals, proteins are switched on and become active, starting with the receptor for the growth factor
      2. A sequence of these switches ultimately leads to changes in gene expression leading to cell proliferation
      3. Cell division
    • Removing the growth factor signal

      Leads to all the proteins being switched off and cell proliferation stops
    • Oncogene
      Genes which, when mutated or overexpressed, can cause cancer
    • Mutations in proto-oncogenes lead to a gain of function
    • Examples of oncogenes

      • Ras
      • Bcr-Abl
      • myc
      • Src
      • PI3 kinase
    • Oncogenes
      • Have increased activity and lead to increased cell proliferation in the absence of specific growth signals (i.e. Self-sufficiency)
    • Oncogenes represent an important drug target for future cancer therapies and blocking their function should stop the proliferation of cancer cells
    • Hallmark 2: Limitless replicative potential

      • With telomerase (stem cells & cancer)
      • Without telomerase (normal)
    • Telomere shortening following cell division limits the number of times a cell divides (40-60 cell divisions)
    • Tumour cells are effectively immortal and can rebuild their telomeres using the enzyme telomerase
    • Tumour suppressor genes

      Perform the opposite function to oncogenes in that they stop tumours from forming
    • In many cases two-hits are required to inactivate a tumour suppressor gene
    • Examples of tumour suppressor genes
      • p53
      • BRCA
    • Mutations in tumour suppressor genes
      Lead to loss of function
    • p53 is the most common mutated gene in cancer - found in 50% of all human cancers
    • Hallmark 4: Resistance to apoptosis
      Apoptosis can be triggered in cells by DNA damage and viral infection, two things which can lead to the development of cancer
    • Bcl-2 family of proteins
      Controls the sensitivity of the cell to apoptosis
    • Pro-survival members of the Bcl-2 family

      Are commonly over-expressed in cancer (gain of function)
    • Pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family

      Are commonly mutated and non-functional in cancer (loss of function)
    • With no blood supply, tumour mass is restricted to ~10^6 cells (2 mm diameter)
    • 90% of cancer deaths are due to the spread of cancer to distant sites – a process called metastasis
    • Malignant cancer cells

      Acquire the ability to move and start to break away from the main tumour
    • The most common sites of metastasis are the lung, liver, brain and bone
    • New hallmark: Immune avoidance

      • Acquiring the hallmarks of cancer requires lots of mutations
      • Some of these mutations change the structure of the protein to make it look non-self
      • These mutated proteins provoke an immune response leading to destruction of the mutated cancer cells
      • Tumours therefore need to learn how to avoid or inactivate the immune response
    • DNA in a typical cell is damaged around 10,000 times per day
    • Most of this DNA damage is repaired, but the DNA repair mechanisms are not perfect and some damage is occasionally missed leading to a mutation
    • Mutations occur randomly throughout the genome
    • Where these mutations occur in key genes such as proto-oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes, they can lead to cancer
    • Types of DNA mutation

      • Point mutations
      • Small insertions/deletions
      • Alterations in transcription/splicing
      • Amplifications/deletions of chromosomal regions
      • Chromosomal translocations
      • Gains and losses of whole chromosomes
      • Changes in DNA modification, e.g., DNA methylation
    • What causes DNA mutations?

      • UV and other types of radiation
      • Viruses
      • Chemicals (smoking, asbestos, food etc)
      • Free radicals produced during metabolic processes
      • Copying / repair errors (sometimes inherited)
    • In cancer accumulated mutations can lead to genome instability and an increased likelihood of further mutations
    • A single mutation leading to a single acquired property such as increased proliferation is not enough to lead to cancer
    • A single cell has to be able to acquire (usually after multiple mutations) most or all of the hallmarks in order to progress to cancer
    • This takes time!
    • This study sequenced the genome of lung cancer and compared it with a normal genome to look for mutations and their causes
    • Found 23,000 mutations in the lung cancer genome
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