Criminal and anti-social behaviour may be a result of unresolved psycho - sexual stages in childhood.
Weakness: Freud claimed that the death instinct of Thanatos explains motivations that underpin aggressive, criminal and anti-social behaviours, so it is not a personalitydisorder.
Sociallearningtheory would suggest criminal and anti-social behaviour is learned from rolemodels.
Weakness: Anderson and Dill (2000) found a correlation between violentvideo games and increasedaggression which would suggest the criminal and anti-social behaviour is a result of media rather than ASPD.
Antisocial personality disorder is a form of innatepathology in brainfunctioning such as the prefrontalcortex.
Weakness: The labelling of an individual as pathological criminal could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, which could actually be what causes criminalbehaviour.
Antisocial personality disorder can be caused by brain abnormalities.
Strength: Yang (2008) found that anti - social individuals had impaired amygdala - hippocampalsystems in brain, therefore ASPD can be linked to criminalbehaviour because of reducedemotionalresponses.
Anti-social personality disorder requires a clinicaldiagnosis to be made from a standard set of signs and symptoms.
ASPD can be clinically identified giving it scientificcredibility due to empiricaltesting of clearly identifiabletraits.
Personality explanations are natureorientated and focus on differences with the individual. People with anti-social personality disorder can be deceitful and reckless.
Antisocial personality disorder is characterised by a disregard for social norms, impulsivebehaviour and manipulativetendencies.
Anti-social behaviour is when someone acts in a way that harasses or causesdistress to one or more people.
Antisocial personality disorder is linked to abnormalities in the brain which leads to impulsiveanti-socialbehaviour this disregard for social norms can lead to criminal and antisocial behaviours.
Brain - imaging techniques can be used to look at structural and functionalimpairment in individuals with ASPD which can be empirically tested so gives a credible explanation for ASPD.
Yang et al. (2008) used fMRItechniques and found that in the frontalregions of the brain, emotionalinformation was not processed in individuals with ASPD.
Longitudinal studies such as Simonoff et al. (2004) also provide credibility as they interviewed 225childhoodtwin pairs diagnosed with conductdisorder which predicted ASPD in adulthood in those who showed criminalbehaviour.