
Cards (19)

  • There are more than 100 types of cancer.
  • Treatment of cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and others.
  • Cancer rapidly create abnormal cells that spread to other organs which may cause death.
  • 8.2 million people died from cancer in 2012.
  • 90% to 95% of cancers is due to environmental factors such as lifestyle and economical factors.
  • Genetics is only 5-10% of root of cancers.
  • Lifestyle factors include:
    Diet and obesity (30-35%)
    Tobacco (25-30%)
    Infections (15-20%)
  • Most common types of cancers include:
  • Carcinogens are the causes of cancer.
  • Physical, chemical, and biological are the 3 types of carcinogens.
  • Physical carcinogens include ultraviolet radiation and ionizing radiation.
  • Chemical carcinogens include asbestos, components of tobacco smoke, alcohol, aflatoxin, and arsenic.
  • Biological carcinogens include infection from certain viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
  • Ways to prevent cancer include:
    Live smoke-free
    Have healthy body weight
    Eat well
    Be active
    Limit alcohol
    Be sun safe
    Ask about vaccines
  • More than half of cancers are preventable.
  • There are more skin cancers due to indoor tanning than lung cancer due to smoking.
  • Cancer was first described by ancient Egyptians.
  • The word cancer comes from the latin word for crab.
  • The are 28 million cancer survivors.