Describe how the brain circuit relates to OCD (with example)?
The orbital frontal cortex sends a message of panic to the caudate nucleus.
A normal brain would decide whether or not this issue is important and if it is, it would get passed on to the thalamus to take action.
If the message isn't important or has already been dealt with it will filter out ending the circuit.
However in a brain of an OCD sufferer, the caudate nucleus does not work correctly and send the potentially faulty message of panic to the thalamus which then carries out the action e.g. washing hands.
This will keep repeating on a loop which is why someone with OCD performs compulsions which are repetitive rituals.
For example, a non-suffer of OCD may have an impulse to wash dirt from their hands; once this is done the impulse to perform the activity stops and so does the behaviour. It may be that the brains of those with OCD have difficulty switching off these impulses so that they turn into obsessions, resulting in compulsive behaviour.