Plant Tissues

Cards (7)

  • Tissue - a group of cells that perform essentially the same function, commonly in a similar structure, and organized into a functional and structural unit
  • Meristematic - perpetually young tissues primarily concerned with formation of new cells
  • Apical Meristem - Located at the main and lateral shoots and roots
    • Root Apical Meristem
    • Shoot Apical Meristem
  • Lateral Meristem - Arranged parallel to the sides of the organ in which it occurs
    • Vascular cambium
    • Cork cambium
  • Intercalary Meristem - actively growing region away from the apex
    • meristem is inserted between more or less differentiated tissue regions
  • When an initial divides, one of the daughter cells remains as an initial to maintain the meristem.
  • Derivatives or meristematic derivatives (specialized meristematic cells)