T3-C2 Acculturation

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  • Berry defines acculturation as the cultural and psychological process that takes place as a result of contact between several cultural groups, whether adopting or not with the other culture
  • Berry proposed four different acculturation strategies: separation, integration, assimilation, marginalization
  • separation: when migrants maintain their own culture and minimize contact with the new culture
  • integration: an interest in adopting the behaviors and values of the new culture, while still maintaining the original culture
  • assimilation: when an individual abandons their original culture and adopts the cultural behaviors of their new culture
  • marginalization: results when one does not identify with their own original culture and not accepted with the new culture. ıt is not possible to assimilate into the new culture
  • Acculturative stress: the psychological difficulties that may accompany acculturation, often resulting in mental and physical stress
  • Researchers are interested in the variables may affects an individual into new culture-> risk factors: variables that increase acculturative stress and may prevent assimilation or integration//protective factor: decreases one's risk of acculturative stress