Lueck & Wilson

Cards (4)

  • A: to investigate the variables that may predict and would decrease the level of acculturative stress of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans
  • P: There were Asian American cultures including Chinese, Filipino and Vietnamese. The majority had arrived in the US after the age of 18, and the rest were born in the US to first-generation immigrant parents. Researchers carried out semi-structured interviews, measuring the participants level of acculturative stress and the impact of discrimination, social networks on acculturative stress
  • R: acculturative stress score was 70% of the sample. Predictors of higher acculturative stress was affected by their preference for only speaking English, arising stress when they don't know the native language well enough to discuss sensitive issues in the native country who ay have limited abilities in English. Predictors of lower acculturative stress was affected by a bilingual language preference, Asians who are able to use both languages equally within their friends and family to build up networks of support
  • C: Study suggests that immigrants with effective coping strategies, importance of English learning and a strong family structure were less likely to experience acculturative stress. Also showing there are many protective factors that may influence which an individual acculturates and the effect that this will have on mental health