Objectives: 1) to measure the mineral and totalacidity of water
Why is water’s pH important? 1) It provides an adequateenvironment for organisms to
survive (aquatic creatures prefer a
pH range of 6.5-9.0).
2)It can affect the solubility and
toxicity of chemicals and heavymetals in the water.
Acidity of Water -is its quantitative capacity to react with a strongbase to a designated pH.
Functions of an acidic water: • Acids contribute to corrosiveness and influence chemicalreaction rates, chemicalspeciation and biologicalprocesses.
• Control or removecorrosion-producing substances
Causes of Acidity: •the presence of strongmineralacids, weakacids
(carbonic and acetic acids)
and hydrolyzingsalts such as
that from ferric and aluminumsulfates.
• Dissolvedcarbondioxide
Human Factors Influencing pH ● Acid rain
● Point Source Pollution
● Mining
● Increasedconcentrations
of carbondioxide
Natural Factors Influencing pH ● Calcium Carbonate
● Ground water
● Precipitation
● Photosynthesis and
● Season
Acidity is expressed in pH values, mgCaCO3/L
How does one
measure acidity of water? TitrimetricMethods
Two types of acidity: mineral acidity and total acidity
Mineral Acidity -Mineral acidity refers to the strength
of mineralacids.
Total Acidity - measures mineralacidity plus acidity
due to weak acids.
- the measure of the total number of hydrogenions present in
a substance in the form of fixed and volatile acids
The pH level of mineral acidity is 3.5 and it's indicator is methyl orange indicator
The pH level of total acidity is 8.3 and it's indicator is phenolphthalein indicator
Totalacidity is higher than mineralacidity
Mineral acidity is due to strongmineralacids, like sulfuricacid (H2SO4), Hydrochloricacid (HCl), and nitricacid (HNO3)
Total acidity is due to strong mineral acids, weakacids and hydrolyzingsalts
Formula for MA and TA (Volume of NaOH in L)(Molarity of NaOH)(1 mol CaCO3 / 1 mol NaOH)(100.09 g / 1 mol CaCO3)(1 mg / 0.001 g) / volume of sample in liters
CO2 Acidity = TA - MA
In methyl orange indicator it turn orange in acid and yellow in base, 3.1 - 4.4
In phenolphthalein it turn colorless in acid and reddishpink in basic, 8.3 - 10
Calibration is add all the numbers of drops in every trial then divide it
Sodiumthiosulfate (Na2S2O3
) solution is added to the water sample before the
addition of indicator and the titration to remove residualchlorine. Residual free available chlorine in the sample may bleach the indicator.