Cards (13)

  • Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed into one type or another
    The Law of Conservation of Energy
  • The rate of which energy is transformed or work is done
  • When a spring is stretched, the force increases linearly with the size of the stretch
    Hooke’s Law
  • Change in energy
  • Stored energy
    Potential Energy
  • Energy of motion
    Kinetic Energy
  • If there only conservative forces (such as gravity or elastic) then the
    total initial energy is equal to the total final energy
  • Non-conservative forces (such as friction, applied force and tension) can be used to add or remove energy to/from an object. Thus, if there is work involved (i.e. a loss of energy or energy added to the system) then:
  • Finds the size (magnitude) of the product of two vectors in the same direction
    Dot Product
  • a x b = c results is a vector
    Cross product
  • a · b = c results is a scalar
    Dot Product
  • 3 requirements of Work:
    • Force
    • Displacement
    • The force & displacement must be parallel
  • Work is the dot product of force and displacement