Chapter 6

Cards (37)

  • In the Philippines, there are several laws that guide Filipinos against bribery. One is the Articles 210 to 212 of the Revised Penal Code penalizing bribery of public officials.
  • Here are some types of favoritism in the workplace: Nepotism, Cronyism, Patronage
  • 3 kinds of bribery: Direct, Indirect, Qualified
  • There is 3-dimensional framework by which to evaluate whether a gift crosses the line into bribery: Content, Context, Culture
  • R.A. No. 3019 (The Anti-graft and corrupt practices act) is the main anti-corruption law.
  • R.A. 6713 (The code of conduct and ethical standard for public official and employees) which prohibits public officials and employees from soliciting or accepting, directly or indirectly, any gift or any monetary value from any person.
  • Presidential decree no. 46 (Giving of gifts on any occasion) also punishes the act of giving to a public official or employee on any occasion, including Christmas.
  • R.A. 7080 (Plunder) that penalizes a public officer who acquires ill-gotten wealth in the total of at least PHP 50M through overt or criminal acts.
  • In the Philippines, these harassments are included in Section 3 of the R.A. 7877 or the Anti-sexual harassment act of 1995.
  • Quid pro quo - means "this for that" in Latin. Refers to the exchange of something of value between parties engaging in a contract.
  • Currently, Philippines has only The R.A. 6981 (The witness protection act) that encourages persons with knowledge of crimes to testify by offering them security.
  • Self-dealing - this is a situation in which someone in position of responsibility in an organization has outside conflicting interests and acts in their own interest rather than the interests of the organization.
  • Placement - this is the stage at which criminally generated funds are presented in the financial system. At this stage, the launderer introduces the dirty money into a valid financial company.
  • Layering - this is the essential stage of the procedure in which the property is "washed" and its ownership and source is camouflaged. This includes sending money through several financial transactions to alter its form and make it tough to follow.
  • Integration - this is the final stage at which the "laundered" property is re-introduced into the legitimate economy. At this stage, the money re-enters the mainstream economy in legitimate looking form coming from a legal transaction.
  • Bulk cash smuggling - this comprises literally smuggling cash into another country for deposit into offshore banks or other type of financial institution that honor client secrecy.
  • Structuring - this also referred to as "smurfing", which is a method in which cash is broken down into smaller amount, which are then used to acquire money orders or other instruments to evade detection or suspicion.
  • Trade-based laundering - this is similar to embezzlement in that invoices are altered to show a higher or lower amount in order to mask the flow of money.
  • Cash-intensive business - this happens when a business that legitimately deals with big amounts of cash uses its accounts to deposit money acquired from both everyday business proceeds and money acquired through illegal means.
  • Bank capture - this refers to the use of bank owned by money launderers or criminals, who then move moneys through the bank without fear of investigation.
  • Insider trading - refers to the practice of purchasing or selling a publicly-traded company's securities while in possession of material information that is not yet public information.
  • Bribery - is given in the hope of influence of benefit.
  • Content - the item given expresses the nature of giving. The receiver of the gift must be careful to know the appropriateness of the item given.
  • Context - The intent to prompt an action is the basis in determining if the item is a bribe. It is crucial to know first the motive behind the gift giving.
  • Culture - it is also important in setting the boundaries and protocols so that gifts are truly received as gifts.
  • Ergonomic hazards - are related to the way a person's job strain his body. (Use repetitive or awkward motions, or to lift frequently, bad lighting)
  • OSH - Occupational Safety and Health
  • ILO - International Labor Organization
  • OSHS - Occupational safety and Health Standard
  • Corporate espionage - when intellectual property is stolen or private client information is sold on the black market.
  • Constructive dismissal - is an involuntary resignation resorted to when continuous employment becomes impossible, difficult, or unlikely.
  • Multi-level marketing - is a strategy of some direct-sales companies which make use of current distributors to recruit new distributors through paying the current distributors a certain percentage.
  • Pyramiding - when new recruits use money to pay the people at the top.
  • Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) - is a written legal contract and usually between an employer and employee. This contract layouts binding terms and conditions that prohibit the employee from disclosing confidential and proprietary information.
  • Insider Trading - refers to the practice of purchasing or selling a publicly-traded company's securities while in possession of material information that is not yet public information.
  • Environmental Issue: P L W O L W P D E C
  • The Philippines, has general Antitrust laws that prohibit unfair competition.