
Cards (6)

  • what's involved in the origins of psychology
    wundt and introspection, psyc as a science
  • what is wundt and introspection

    opened a lab dedicated too psyc, marked the beginning of scientific psychology. aim was too analyse the nature of human consciousness- pioneering method known as introspection
  • what is structuralism
    isolating the structure of consciousness
  • evaluation of wundt
    ✅scientific- well controlled, lab so extraneous variables eliminated,
    ❌subjective- relied on self reporting mental processes, predicting future behavour
  • explain emerge of psyc as a science
    behaviourists- value of introspection questioned as produced subjective data. so they focused on behaviours u can see and used controlled experiments

    cognitive-linked mind and computer, predictions on memory using experiments

    biological- investigate physiological processes- FMRI AND EEG
  • evaluation of emerge of psyc

    ✅modern psyc: is scientific , rely on use of scientific measures,
    ❌subjective data: humanistic rejects scientific approach, psychodynamic uses case study that's unrepresentative, demand characteristics