Banduras role modelling theory

Cards (12)

  • Bandura's research on the effects of observational learning was conducted with children.
  • The Bobo doll experiment involved showing aggressive behavior to children, who then imitated it when they played with other children.
  • Children were more likely to engage in aggressive behaviors if they saw adults engaging in them first.
  • Observing others can influence our own behavior through modeling or copying their actions.
  • Observing others can lead to changes in our own attitudes, beliefs, values, and actions.
  • Modeling is an important aspect of socialization and learning new skills.
  • We are influenced by what we see and hear from those around us.
  • Role models play an important part in shaping our thoughts and behaviors.
  • Social cognitive theories emphasize the importance of observation and modeling in shaping human behavior.
  • Models can be real-life individuals or fictional characters from books, movies, TV shows, etc.
  • According to this theory, people are not just passive recipients of information but active participants in their environment.
  • Bandura's research on observational learning has practical implications for education, parenting, and therapy.