social learning theory

Cards (11)

  • SLT explanation
    Bandura believes that aggression can be learned through direct experience (operant conditioning) or by vicarious experience (observing others and learning from their experiences) in a social setting.
    The SLT claims that through the use of models (siblings, parents, peers, characters in media) individuals learn about the nature of aggressive behaviour. When an action is reinforced it is more likely to occur in similar situations in the future (operant conditioning).
  • What are vicarious reinforcements?
    If a child sees a model being rewarded, the observing child is more likely to imitate the specific behaviour.
  • What are vicarious punishments?
    If a child sees a model being punished, the observing child is less likely to imitate the specific behaviour.
  • What are the 4 main cognitive factors of SLT?
    The main cognitive factors of SLT are:
    Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation
  • Attention
    The person must first pay attention to the models aggressive behaviour. For example, watching somebody being violent to another on TV.
  • Retention
    The behaviour needs to be remembered and placed into long term memory, this enables the behaviour to be retrieved.
  • Reproduction
    the observer must possess the physical capabilities of the modelled behaviour to be able to reproduce it.
  • Motivation
    An individual expects to receive positive reinforcement for the modelled behaviour.
    If the model is observed to be punished then imitation becomes less likely.
  • Bandura Bobo doll - AO3 support
    Reported that children copied aggressive behaviour they observed by adult role models towards an inflatable BoBo doll. This implies that children imitated the aggressive behaviour displayed by the adult role models and internalised these.
    However, lacks mundane realism, demand characteristics etc
  • Poulin and Boivin (2000) - AO3 support
    Studied aggressive behaviour in boys aged 9-12 years old and found aggressive boys tended to form relationships with other aggressive boys who had acted as role models. They used alliances with one another to get resources through aggression
  • Limitations of SLT
    SLT is reductionist - ignores other factors like genetics etc