During the first 3 weeks of lactation the young lambs are solely dependent on milk for nutrition, from this period onwards the lambs start to increase it's intake of herbage
What's milk production affected by?
Level of dam nutrition in pregnancy and lactation, ewe condition/nutrition, number/size of lambs, quality of feed, breed/genetics
In early lactation the mammary gland has priority over other tissues, but as lactation continues this declines
Milk production will peak at weeks 3-4 of lactation and will cease by the end of the third month unless feeding levels are very high and the ewe is gaining weight
High levels of feeding in the mid to late lactation will NOT allow the ewe to maintain peak production but it will slow the decline
If we underfeed the twin rearing ewe the peak and/or total milk production will decline. The same principle holds for singletons, etc
Poor levels of nutrition in late-pregnancy and in lactation will result in a lower peak milk production and lower total milkproduction especially in pooer condition ewes = lighter lambs at weaning and lower lambing survival
Does a twin bearing ewe produce twice as much milk as a single bearing ewe?
No, therefore it's very important that multiple-bearing ewes are fed to their requirement to ensure they're producing as much as possible
To achieve high growth rates, what should a multiple born lamb do compared to singleton lambs? What restricts it's intakes?
Eat more pasture; rumen size
What do ewes require to maximize milk production during lactation?
High pasture allowance levels, high quality pasture - ideally with a high legume content
Poor feeding levels during lactation (and/or in pregnancy) results in poor condition/ weight at weaning. This will impact reproductive performance the following year than those whose nutrition allowed them to be in good condition at weaning
How can 'alternative herbages' (herb/clover mixes and lucerne) be utilized during lactation?
Ewes can wean more kg of lamb, increase ewe weight/condition
What factors can affect weaning weight?
BW, breed effects, sex of lamb, genetics, dam/lamb health status, weather, husbandry practices, mid-pregnancy shearing, age at weaning, etc
What factors can affect timing of weaning?
Average parturition date (age of lambs), feed supply/quality, stock density, lamb weights, husbandry factors (shearing/drenching), external factors (costs)
Lambs should be 25-30kgs at weaning. Although under optimalfeeding conditions they can be weaned as light as 18 kgs
If weaned early and fed well they will reach slaughter weights faster than lambs kept on their under poor feeding conditions - as the mothers starts to compete with lamb
What is skim-draft weaning?
Weaning some lambs directly off their dam while others stay with their dam
What does skim-draft weaning do?
Allows for heavy lambs, saves feed for other stock, ewes can gain condition