How does a spring-calving beef cow show flexibility?
LW loses over winter, level of energy intake following calving, high intakes and speed of LW recovery during the spring/summer pasture flush
LW loss over the winter up to 10% (March) LW up to 6 weeks before calving has no effect in calving.
Cows should gain prior to calving to allows for greaterflexibility in post- calving management.
Whatʻs one method of avoiding metabolic disorders in managing cows?
Cows should lose some LW over the autumn-early winter period
Provided the cow has calved in good condition, the first 40 days following calving no live weight gain is necessary.
After calving, about 40 days elapses before the calf can fully utilize the amount of milk the cow can produce.
What can boost the milk production of a cow and improve for the calf
Switching to a high plane of nutrition 40 days after calving, growth rate of the calf
Whatʻs important to ensure the cows return to estrus in time if pre-calving nutrition was low and cows calved in less favorable condition?
Post-calving LW gain
High intakes during spring flush
Cows with calves at foot can gain considerable amounts of LW (up to 1 kg/day)
Cows should be within 5% of their autumn LW at the start of mating for satisfactory reconception (CS 6-7).
What can under-nutrition influence?
Cow and calf mortality, calf BW/weaning weights, time for resume estrous activity, conception rates, metabolic disorders
What happens if cow fails to quickly resume estrous in order to the young?
Sacrifices next estrous cycle
If a cow fails to quickly resume estrous all the way till Jan/Feb what happens?
Lighter calves weaning
How can you reduce dystocia?
By controlling BW
How can you control birthweight?
By controlling nutrition, damʻs pelvic size, bull breed selection (EBVs), select bulls with shorter gestation length, select on calving ease
Cow condition at calving is most important for conception rates because?
Need energy reserves for lactation and reproduction
How much can be depressed at calf weaning weights if thereʻs is poor nutrition before and after calving?
How can cows buffer against poor feeding?
Use her own body reserves if she has any
While suckling, how much should a calf gain?
1 kg/day
When does a calf start eating grass?
After 3 weeks of age
After 12 weeks of age 50% intake may be grass.
At 6 mos of age calves are still consuming up to 25-35% of total intake as milk.
Time of Weaning
Managerial decision based on calf's fate and pasture supplies
With poor nutrition beef cows will progressively
Utilize a high proportion of available pasture, utilize body reserves and lose weight, delay onset of estrus/fail to get pregnant
Liveweight Problem Areas
Winter LW loss continues up to calving, lowLW after calving and at mating , max LW achieved too late in season
What do thin cows conditioning look like?
Sharp with bones protruding
What do fat cows conditioning look like?
Smooth and square with hidden bone structure
Method of Scoring
Evaluating fat cover on spine and tail head for body condition
Thin Condition
BCS 1-2: Emaciated with prominent ribs and tailhead
Borderline Condition
BCS 2.5: Ribs less obvious, some fat cover over spine
Good Condition
BCS 3-4: Moderate fat cover, fleshy appearance
Fat Condition
BCS 4.5-5: Overconditioned with large fat deposits
The 5 times when to Condition Score:
Weaning time, 30-45 days after weaning, 60-90 days prior to calving, calving, mating
Nutritional disorder due to low blood magnesium levels in livestock
When is hypomagnesemia commonly seen?
Pregnant and lactating cows in late winter and spring
What are the predisposing factors of hypomagnesemia?
Young spring herbage, stress, parturition and lactation, cow age and parity, abrupt change of diet, genetics
Control options for Hypomagnesemia
Defined mating period to control feeding, feed consistently over late autumn-winter to avoid sudden diet changes, blood tests after summer autumn diet or during feed shortage
Top Dressing
Applying nutrients directly to pasture for livestock consumption
Whatʻs the ideal CS for beef cows at calving?
Whatʻs the average post-partum anestrous interval in adult beef cows?