What factors determine how a bull looks on the day of a bull sale?
Bull's genotype and environment
How can you make a bull bigger and can it's size be passed on to his progeny?
By feeding him preferentially but it can't be passed on
What should a buyer be looking for in a bull?
A bull that will pass superior genes on to his progeny, not a bull that lookssuperior on the day
What are EBVs used for in bull selection?
Separate genetics from environment and determine the genetic potential of a bull, which is the part that will show up in his calves
How are most registered cattle in NZ evaluated?
Breedplan Estimated Breeding Values (EBV's)
In what units are EBV's measured?
Measured in units for that traits (e.g. kg)
How are EBV's measured?
"Deviation from the breed base performance" so can be positive or negative.
What should be considered while choosing a bull based on EBV's?
Depending on the trait, one may want higher or lower values
What's a Breed Plan?
A modern geneticevaluation program for beef cattle
What does a breed plan produce?
EBVs for range of traits: CE, growth, fertility, carcass
What's an EBV?
A prediction of the GENETIC VALUE of an animal for a trait
What's an EBV based on?
Animal's own performancePerformance of all known relativesRelationship between performance of different traits
What are selection criteria?
Easily measurable traits, measurable before selection decisions are made, and heritable. They are used to maximize the response in economically important traits