Marxism criticises rehabilitation programmes for shifting the responsibility to the individual to change their behaviour instead of focusing on it being capitalism's fault
examples- short, sharp shock centres, bootcamps (little evidence of effectiveness)
Current examples- suspended sentences and prison (48% of all offenders reoffend so it doesn’t work)
theories on deterrence :
right realism- rational choice theory (Clarke)
Marxism- unfair proletariat commit crime due to capatilism
general deterrence:
put off the whole of society through harsh punishment, often through media
severity vs certainty- punishment needs to be severe but also certain that they will be caught eg 3rd burglary= minimum of 3 years in prison only 5% end up in conviction
examples- prison
social learning theory- see role model being punished eg celebrities
functionalism (durkheim) reaffirm boundaries
The inability of an individual to participate in the legitimate economy or to engage in illegal activities due to their incarceration
Crime Sentence Act 1997 introduced mandatory minimum sentence for repeat offenders e.g. life sentence for 2nd serious sexual or violent offence (public protection)