The Franco-German monetary crisis of 1969
External imbalances caused a serious monetary crisis between France and West Germany
• France: fast increase in nominal wages; consumer price inflation heading to 6% in the late 1960s
• West Germany: high productivity, wage moderation and low price inflation
→France structural trade deficit, pressures for depreciation of the FF and continuous decline of international reserves; however, devaluation was unacceptable for De Gaulle's political ambitions →WestGermany: structural trade surplus and pressures for appreciation of the DM • 1968-69: waves of protest and strikes, political crisis in France → sudden capital flight from FF to DM
- The French government pressed hard on West Germany for a parallel FF devaluation/DM revaluation
- W Germ accepted (reluctantly) by De Gaulle's resignation: FF devalued by 11%, DM appreciated by 9% in
- Devaluation in France was followed by a austerity measures to bring price inflation under control, got $ from IMF