The increase in the percentage of people living in urban areas
Population structure
How people are structured into gender and age
The movement of people from one area to another
Brain drain
The migration of highly trained or qualified people to developed areas in search of better work, which leads to a vacancy of these workers in less developed places
In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down by demonstrators and Germany was reunited.
Birth rate
The number of live births per 1,000 people.
Death rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 people
Natural increase/decrease
The difference in the birth and death rates
Demographic transition model stage 1
Low population
High birth and death rate
Little access to birth control
Children needed to work on land
High death rate due to disease, famine, poor diet and little medical science
Traditional rainforest tribes
UK pre-1780
Demographic transition model stage 2
Population growing at fast rate
High but decreasing birth rate
Decreasing death rate
E.g. Afghanistan
UK 1780-1880
Demographic transition model stage 3
Population still increasing but rate of increase slowing down