State of Consciousness

Cards (63)

  • Consciousness, refers to our subjective awareness of ourselves, our bodily sensations, thoughts and our environment
  • Awareness is the consciousness of what is going on around us, including subtle influences that can become conscious as a result of cues
  • Mindfulness is the state of heightened awareness, focus, and evaluation of our thoughts that includes awareness of thoughts passing through one’s head
  • Attention is the mental resource that can be vigilant and sustained or divided and selective
  • Unconsciousness is the lack of awareness, senselessness, or a barrier to awareness
  • Sigmund Freud introduced the concept of Subconscious and Preconscious
  • Subconscious - even while awake, many things are still outside the realm of our consciousness
  • Preconscious - information that we could pay attention to if we wanted. Where memories are stored for easy retrieval
  • Low.Awareness, the brain still processes the information it receives even at low awareness levels
  • Cues is a stimulus of significant meaning that can automatically elicit a response
  • High.Awareness, the consciousness of what is going on around us
  • Flexible.Correction.Model suggests that humans have the ability to correct or change beliefs and evaluators that have been influenced or biased by an undue outside source
  • State of Consciousness 
    • Hypnosis
    • Sleep
    • Psychoactive.Drugs
    • Hallucinogens
    • Depressants
    • Stimulants
  • Types of Attention:
    • Selective Attention
    • Divided Attention
  • Selective.Attention is the ability to select a certain stimuli in the environment to process, while ignoring distracting information
  • Dichotic.Listening.Study - the situation when two messages are presented simultaneously to an individual, with one message in each ear.
  • Models of Selective Attention - proposed processes of information selection and what happens to ignored information
    • Broadbent's..Filter..Model
    • Treisman's..Attentional..Model
    • Late..Selection..Model
  • Broadbent’s Filter Model - select information on the basis of physical features. Occurs very early, with no additional processing for the unselected information.
  • Treisman’s Attentional Model - selection starts at perceptual level and unattended information is only weakened.
  • Late Selection Model - all information in the unattended ear is processed on the basis of meaning, but only the information that is relevant for the task response gets into conscious awareness
  • Multimode Model - the stage at which selection occurs can change depending on the task. We can select what to attend to on the basis of the meaning of the messages.
  • Multitasking is the ability to do several things at once in spite of limited capacity.
  • Sleep is a unique state of consciousness; it lacks full awareness but the brain is still active
  • Biological Rhythms
    • Circadian..Rhythms - guides the daily waking and sleeping cycle in many animals
    • Seasonal..Affective..Disorder (SAD) - we are more likely to experience during the dark winter months than during the lighter summer months
  • Process of producing melatonin during the night for induction of sleep.
    Ganglion..Cells → Suprachiasmatic..NucleusPineal..GlandMelatonin
  • Rapid.Eye.Movement (REM) sleep is a sleep stage characterized by the presence of quick eye movements and dreaming.
  • Non-Rapid.Eye.Movement (non-REM) sleep is a deep sleep, characterized by very slow brainwaves.
  • Awake - fast beta waves
    Relax - the waves get longer (alpha waves)
  • Stage..N1 - experience of drowsiness, the brains begins to produce even slower theta waves 
    Stage..N2 - theta waves interspersed with burst of rapid brain activity  known as sleep spindles
    Stage..N3 - slow waves dominated by very slow delta waves
  • REM.Stage - begins about 90 minutes after falling asleep, increased heart rate, facial twitches, and rapid eye movements. Dreams are more vivid and frequent
  • Insomnia -  a persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Sleep..Apnea - pauses in breathing that last at least 10 seconds during sleep
  • Narcolepsy - a disorder characterized by extreme daytime sleepiness with frequent episodes of nodding off
  • Somnambulism or Sleepwalking, in which the person leaves the bed and moves around while still asleep
  • Sleep..Terrors - a disruptive sleep disorder, most frequently experienced in childhood, that may involve loud screams and intense panic
  • Bruxism - the sufferer grinds his teeth during sleep
  • Restless..Legs..Syndrome - the sufferer reports an itching, burning, or otherwise uncomfortable feeling in his legs, usually exacerbated when resting o
  • Periodic..Limb..Movement..Disorder - sudden involuntary movement of limbs
  • REM..Sleep..Behavior..Disorder - a condition in which people engage in vigorous and bizarre physical activities during REM sleep in response to intense, violent dreams
  • Dreams are the succession of images, thought, sounds, and emotions that passes through our minds while sleeping