Minority Influence

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  • minority influence = when a small group of people or even an individual changes the attitudes, behaviours and belief of the majority
  • Minority influence is the opposite of conformity
  • The three factors which enhance the effectiveness of a minority:
    1. Consistency
    2. Commitment
    3. Flexability
  • Consistency:
    Minority influence is most effective if the minority keeps the same beliefs both over time and between all the individuals that form the minority
  • Staying firm in beliefs creates a consistent message
  • Two types of consistency:
    • synchronic consistency
    • diachronic consistency
  • Synchronic consistency - the minority presents a united front and share the same view
  • Diachronic consistency - The minority have been arguing their view for a long time
  • Consistency creates admiration for not veering from what they believe in
  • Commitment - Minority influence is more powerful if the minority demonstrates dedication to their position.
    E.G. Emily Davison was a suffragette who threw herself in front of a horse
  • Commitment is often demonstrated via direct or indirect action
  • Get admiration from strong commitment despite being openly mocked
  • Flexability - relentless consistency could be counter -productive if it is seen by the majority as unreasonable. Therefore it is more effective if the minority show flexablity
  • The process of change - 3 factors that make people think about the minorities cause. Overtime the increasing numbers who change from the majority to the minority are 'converted'
    -----> this process is called the 'snowball effect'
  • Minority influence - PEEL paragraph 1:
    Strength - real life application can inform minority groups about the best way to behave in order to exert a maximum amount of influence
  • Minority influence - PEEL paragraph 2:
    Strength - Supporting research Moscovici supports the idea of consistency in a minority opinion
  • Minority influence - PEEL paragraph 3:
    Weakness - Low power of minority - even when the confederates (minority) got agreement, it was only a small amount (8%) - therefore consistency of the minority only has a small influence
  • Minority influence - PEEL paragraph 4:
    Weakness - Artificial tasks - In real life cases ( jury decision - making and political campaigning) the outcomes are more important.

    -----> lacks external validity
  • Minority influence - PEELs:
    1. Strength - Real life application
    2. Strength - Supporting study
    3. Weakness - Low power of minority influence
    4. Weakness - Artificial tasks
  • Social change = when whole societies rather than just individuals adopt new attitudes, beliefs and ways of doing things
  • Social change is not sudden and takes place slowly
    • E.G. Movement towards recycling at home or not smoking in public places
  • Often minority influence is the driving force behind social change for example;
    • a few years ago, gay rights would not have been considered possible in society
  • Social Change:
    1. Drawing attention
    2. Consistency and commitment
    3. Flexibility - Deeper processing
    4. The Augmentation principle
    5. The snowball effect
    6. Social cryptonesia
  • Examples of Social change:
    • attitudes towards working from home post-pandemic
    • cruelty-free beauty products and cosmetics
    • rising use of social media
  • Social change:
    Drawing attention to the inequalities of the minority experience
  • The augmentation principle - Individuals risking their lives to support their cause which reinforces (augments) their stance
  • Taking a flexible approach (humour) to help reach a wider audience and trigger deeper processing of the image
  • The snowball effect can be seen in year-on-year traction and more people converting to the minority view
  • Social Cryptonesia:
    The change becomes apart of the fabric of society to the extent that its hard to remember any different
  • Environmentalists exploit conformity by appealing to normative social influence
    • they do this by providing information about what others are doing - e.g. ‘bin it, others do’
  • NSI - minority:
    Change is encouraged by drawing attention to what the majority is doing
  • Social Change - PEEL Paragraph 1:
    Strength - research support for normative influences - Nolan et al (2008) - changed energy use habits through messages saying ‘most residents were trying to improve’ whereas the control group just had ‘save energy’
    • there were significant decreases in energy in the first group
    • Therefore conformity can lead to social change through the operation of NSI
  • Social Change - PEEL Paragraph 2:
    Strength - psychologists can support minority influence brings change due to the type of thinking minorities inspire - divergent thinking stimulates new ideas and open minds
  • Social Change - PEEL Paragraph 3:
    Weakness - Counters deeper processing - majority actually triggers deeper thinking as we have to think about their arguments and reasoning
  • Social Change - PEEL Paragraph 4:
    Weakness - Barriers to social change - some people actually avoid social change as they already have negative opinions on the cause