Skills needed to work and communicate with other people and understand their needs, perspectives and values. The set of abilities enabling a person to interact positively and work effectively with others.
The exchange of information between people, through verbal and non-verbal ways such as conversations, email, memo and messages. Miscommunication is the failure to communicate adequately.
Vision defines what you will do and why it will do it, defining goals to be accomplished by a certain time period. It takes into account current status, processes, efficiency etc. and helps to point in the right direction.
Reconciling the conflicting interests of stakeholders
Society increasingly expects business' to accept responsibility and accountability towards all stakeholders for the promotion and management of change.
Any group or individual who has a vested interest in or is affected by the activities of a business. E.g. Managers, owners, employees, customers, suppliers, government
Involves deciding on the direction the business will take in the future, then settinggoals and objectives. It must take into account the current position of the business within the restrictions set by the external and internal business environments.
Focusing primarily on human resources- the behaviour and motivation of employees in the workplace. (Focuses upon individual behaviour, motivations, and social interactions.)
Exchanging information between people; the sending and receiving of messages. Various management roles are carried out by interacting and communicating with others.