
Cards (11)

  • Bullying hasnt always been considered a serious issue,cases of child taking their own lives due to bullying has changed this perspective
  • Annual bullying survey 2022
    4000 secondary school students,21% had experienced bullying in the past 12 months
  • Bullying is a form of aggression but is different to other forms of aggression because the consequences are different.Its crucial to take into account the context and intentions of bullying
  • Dan Olweus
    argues bullying occurs when an individual subjects another individual to repeated acts and has 5 features
  • 1.Bullying involves negative acts
    • several behaviours can be described as bullying depending on the context and intentions
    • Physical aggression
    • verbal aggression
    • social exclusion
  • 2-Behaviour is repeated
    • not a single one-off event,a pattern of behaviour that becomes predictable
    • repetition depends on the bullies access to the victim
  • 3-Bully intends to cause harm
    • causing harm accidentally is not bullying even if done repeatedly
    • bullies deliberately attempt to cause harm to the victim
  • 4-The bully has the greatest power
    • central to defining bullying,the bullies purpose is to impose their will on the victim,they both understand who has the power
    • bully often is taller,stronger and has a higher social status
    • victim feels helpless to prevent it and learn to not expect support from bystanders
    • power asymmetry
  • 5-Different types of bullying
    • Overt bullying,observable by others,mostly between people of a similar age and takes place in social contexts.The bully may have bystanders and accomplices.Usually unpopular boys
    • Covert bullying,requires greater social skills and manipulation.They favour social exclusion and difficult to detect,usually popular girls
  • Cyberbullying Nancy Willard,says there are several types of cyberbullying
    • Stalking,following a victim around social media to send threatning messages
    • outing,revealing something to a wider group
    • trickery,deceiving someone into revealing something about themselves
    • exclusion,blocking someone and encouraging others to do the same
  • Myths of bullying
    • Myth 1,bullies are unpopular. Juvonen asked 2000 students and teachers in LA to identify those who are popular and those considered victims and bullies.Bullies were rated the most popular
    • Myth 2,Bullies have low self-esteem. Baumeister et al found that bullies have a higher self-esteem,they are often less anxious,depressed and lonely