biological explanation for gender dysphoria

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    • Gender dysphoria
      A condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there is a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity
    • Genetic basis of gender dysphoria
      • Research has shown a correlation between gender dysphoria in males and a variant of the androgen receptor gene
      • Males with gender dysphoria are thought to have a longer version of the androgen receptor gene than males without gender dysphoria
      • The effect of this is reduced action of testosterone so they have similar levels of hormones as females
    • Reduced testosterone
      Leads to feminine behaviour which could lead to gender dysphoria in men
    • Hormonal explanation of gender
      • Males and females behave differently due to males producing more testosterone than females
    • Genetic explanation of gender dysphoria
      • Supported by twin studies
      • 39% concordance between MZ twins but no concordance between DZ twins
      • As MZ twins have exactly the same genetic make-up but DZ twins only share 50% of their genes, the higher concordance in MZ twins lends support for the theory that gender dysphoria has a genetic basis
    • Gender dysphoria
      People experiencing gender dysphoria have brain areas more typical of the opposite sex
    • Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc)
      • Approximately 40% larger and more densely packed with neurons in non-dysphoric males than non-dysphoric females
      • Males have around twice as many somatostatin neurons in this area of the brain
    • Brain differences in the BSTc
      Cause gender differences in behaviour and also provide insight into the cause of gender dysphoria
    • Cause of gender dysphoria
      1. Pre-natal hormones cause atypical brain development in the foetus
      2. Over exposure to androgens such as testosterone in those with XX sex chromosome pattern
      3. Under-exposure to androgens in those with XY sex chromosome pattern
    • The theory supports the nature side of the nature vs nurture debate

      It suggests that gender dysphoria is caused by biological factors alone (e.g. genes and brain structure)
    • This is a limitation because many psychologists favour the nurture side
    • Learning theory
      Gender dysphoria is caused by the lack of a same gender role model and/or parent(s) who reinforce atypical gender behaviour because they have a strong desire for a child of the opposite sex
    • The biological explanation

      Fails to acknowledge the role of experience/the environment in gender dysphoria
    • The theory
      • It is (biologically) determinist and reductionist
      • It suggests the complex disorder of gender dysphoria is determined by and can be reduced down to biological structures such as genetics, hormones and brain structure
    • This is a limitation because it can lead those with gender dysphoria to believe that the disorder is inevitable and unchanging which may not be true and could have a negative effect on their mental health
    • There are cases of children with gender dysphoria who grow up to be adults without it, so it would be false to assume that having gender dysphoria is an individual's 'biological destiny'
    • The determinist approach

      Has the potential to be beneficial as the theory suggests gender dysphoria is out of the individual's control which may encourage others to be more accepting of people who experience it