food strategies

Cards (17)

  • what is food insecurity?
    lack of access to adequate , safe and nutritious food
  • how many people does the UN estimate die every year from food insecurity?
    9 million
  • areas at risk of food insecurity
    • sub-saharan africa
    • nigeria
  • how does soil erosion increase risk of food insecurity?
    90% at risk of soil erosion by 2050
  • how does population growth increase the risk of food insecurity?
    increase in population = higher birth rates , more people need food
    • 1950 - global population was 2.5 billion
    • NOW - 8.1 billion
  • how does climate change increase the risk of food insecurity?
    • desertification increases due to reduced precipitation levels from higher temps e.g in Sahel region
    • more tropical storms due to warmer ocean temperatures , higher sea levels , salt inundation
  • how do flows of resources affect risk of food insecurity?
    • LICS export food to HICs e.g Kenya , substience farmers lose land - 2.1 million without food
  • other factors that affect the risk of food insecurity?
    • war , colonism
    • cost of living crisis in UK
  • what is the New Green Revolution?
    • biotechnology , new seeds can tolerate droughts and salinity , focus on GM crops
    • during 1960s , scientists developed strains of seeds e.g high-yielding varieties , more crop yields = Southern Asia , rice yields went up 40%
  • evaluation of the New Green Revolution?
    • local farmers can't afford new seed types , may go into debt
    • local farmers may be outcompeted by TNCs and lose out on land
    • widespread concern about GM on people e.g cancer
  • what is hydroponics and aeroponics?
    • the ability to grow plants without soil
    • benefits areas with infertile soil or areas with soil erosion
    • used in Almeria , Spain where much of EU plants and fruit are grown
  • evaluation of hydro and aeroponics?
    • expensive , not accessible to small-scale farmers in LICS who lose out to TNCS
    • provides jobs to local people and increase variety in local diets
  • what is irrigation?
    • improves food production in areas with unreliable water supply
    • increases crop yields by 400%
  • evaluation of irrigation
    • increases crop yields and amount of land that can be cultivated
    • local rivers can be drained of useable water = local people use water supply
    • drip-fed irrigation is a viable solution
  • reducing food waste
    2018 - UK produced 9.5 million tonnes of food waste
    schemes e.g Too Good To Go means more food is available for consumption
  • evaluation of reducing food waste
    2019 - 2020 , FareShare managed 26,000 tonnes of food yet output represents 1% of 2.25million tonnes wasted
  • social protection schemes
    free school meal programme in UK aims at reducing hunger and poor nutrition in poor families
    • 1.19million students in UK = free school meals in 2022