hypertrophy: increase in size of cell, caused by increasedgrowthfactors or hormones. pathological: cardiac muscle. physiological: uterusinpregnancy
atrophy: decrease in cellsize or number. caused by decreased nutrients or stimulation, can involve autophagy and decreased protein synthesis
hyperplasia: increased number of cells, caused by increased growthfactor or hormones. pathological: benignprostatichyperplasia. physiological: breastinpregnancy
metaplasia: change in phenotype, caused by chronic irritation
atrophy can progress to apoptosis
reversible cell injury
decreased oxygen phosphorylation, ATPdepletion, cellularswelling, decreased membraneintegrity, proteinsynthesis defects, cytoskeletal and DNA damage, membrane blebbing, ribosomes deattachment, chromatin clumping
always pathological, membrane damage, enzymeleakage, digestion of protein, inflammation, caused by hypoxia or injury or infection, ER lysis, increased eosinophilia, glassy and motheaten cytoplasm, pyknosis, karohexis, karolysis
cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, eosinophilic cytoplasm, blebbing of cytoplasm, and caspase cascade
coagulative necrosis
caused by hypoxia, proteins are denatured, pale and firmcooked appearance, nuclear ghosts, glassy and faded cytoplasm
liquefactive necrosis
caused by ischaemia or infection, enzyme dissolution, semiliquid appearance and possible cavity
gangrenous necrosis
coagulative necrosis or bacterial and liquefaction
caseous necrosis
tuberculosis, granulomatis inflammation, no originalarchitechture, proteinaceous mass
fat necrosis
digestion by pancreaticlipases, fattyacids and calcium
inflammation features
vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, emigration of leukocytes, neutrophils
chemical mediators of inflammation
histamines and prostaglandins cause vasodilation, histamines and complement cause increased vascularpermeability, TFN and complement cause chemotaxis, and prostaglandins cause fever and pain
lowprotein (mostly albumin) content, and no increased vascularpermeability
increased protein and debris, increase in vascular permeability
effusion: joint and pleural fluid
asciles: in peritonealcavity
pus: purulentexudate, rich in neutrophils
macrophages (activated by IFN-y) group together and form giantcells, may have centralnecrosis and have a central core of epitheliodmacrophages, surrounded by lymphocytes, rim of fibroustissue, can be caused by foreignbody or immune system (tuberculosis)
chronic inflammation
fibrousscartissue, tissuedestruction , granulomas, macrophages and lymphocytes