failures along a slip plane, where an entire mass of material moves downslope as a coherent mass
material in a slide usually remains intact until impact at ground causes it to break up
velocity tends to remain similar throughout the displaced mass
speed of slides
rate of slides highly variable 1-10m/sec
causes of slides
triggered mainly by earthquakes or sudden rock failures rather than by heavy rains
also by oversteepening of the base of a slope could also cause it
materials involved in a slide
hard rocks and consolidated regolith
location of slides
along bedding planes/ lines of weaknesses and can occur in areas of moderate relief
types of slides
translational slides
rotational slides
difference between the 2 types of slides
shape of surface of failure along which the mass of rock moves
translational slides -> relatively uniform slope
rotational slides -> curving, concave surface
what is a translational slide?
occurs when there is a mass movement over a surface separating 2 different types of materials
the displaced mass slides along a pre-existing surface such as a bedding plane or joint surface
cause of translational slide
occurs when a coherent mass of rock/soil detaches itself from the slope
mass slides downslope along the planar surface of the bedrock
if the material is a mix of soil, rock and organic matter -> debris slide
location of translational slide
occur late in the rainy season in the humid tropics following a buildup of antecedent rainfall -> saturation
more common in humid tropics
arid tropics following a bout a heavy convectional rainfall
evidence of translational slide
piles of talus are common at bottom of slope as these fragments break up
types of translational slides
-> rapid displacement of masses of rock along an inclined surface like bedding plane
-> travel downslope at rapid speeds due to presence of a layer of compressed air trapped between the slide and ground surface that reduced frictional resistance
form a talus slope made up of angular fragments
angle of repose (angle at which debris stable) lies between 30-37 degrees
what is a rotational slide (slump)?
movement of rotational slide moves in a downward and outward motion and occurs along a concave slip plane
top of the displaced material usually tilted backwards
material involved in rotational slides
occur in near heterogeneous materials, usually fine grained, where such masses of material are well weathered
cause of rotational slides
oversteepening of base of the slope due to natural (eg: wave erosion) or human causes (eg: road construction)
removal of lower part of slope removes physical support for upper part o slope causing formation of new fracture in sediment/rock
soon the slope will begin sliding downwards
location of rotational slides
common in deeply weathered materials which is relatively uniform in compostion
common in humid tropics due to intense weathering + thick regolith
occur along coastal cliffs
evidence of rotational slide
at the top-> material falls away leaving a scar
upper surface of each slump block remains relatively undisturbed
at the bottom-> soil accumulates as a sluggish mass that piles up in ridges or lobes to form a bulging toe