Went to China for 15 years in the 1400s and came back and told what he experienced and saw
Reasons to Change
Middle east fought experienced pirates
Trade (Spice, Silks, Jewels)
5 Different Changes
Technological Advances (Mapmaking, Navigation instruments, Compass, Astrolabe, New Ships)
Economic Changes (Commercial Revolution, Economy changes to meet needs of Exploration, Standardized money, Backed by gold & silver, Strong business transaction, Join stock companies, Donation helped pay)
Political Changes (Search for overseas empire, Competition, Power, Trade center moved)
Colonies (Wanted to gain as many colonies in order to become fully independent, Only existed for the benefits of the mother country, Faced strict economic laws, New markets)
Ocean vessels that replaced Galleys (old fashioned ships and could only travel along the coasts)
Protect from pirates, Changed naval warfare
Commercial Revolution
Name of the period with many economic changes
Economic theory to become self-sufficient, get as much gold & rich, Favorable Balance of Trade (Sell more than you need to buy), Tarrifs (Tax on imported goods), Subsidies to encourage new industry
Colonies only existed for the benefits of the mother country, Caused for such strict economic laws
Societal Causes
Religious Persecution (Hugenots went to Canada, Puritans went to New England)
Throughout the 1500s Spain was the most powerful nation in Europe. Spain had the largest overseas empire. 150 years later Spain's power has declined.
Spain's Colonial Empire
Focused on colonizing the Americas and the Philippines to gain gold and silver
Spain failed to find the spices they sought for and soon discovered that the land wasn't the East Indies.
Juan Ponce de Leon
Left Puerto Rico seeking the Fountain of Youth in 1513
Panfilo de Narvaez
Led an expedition to Florida in 1528 that ended in disaster
Alvan Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Led a handful of survivors from the Narvaez expedition through southwestern US. and Mexico for 7 years
Hernan Cortez
Explored the Yucatan in Mexico, learned about the Mayan & Aztec civilizations, invaded Mexico in 1519 with 11 ships and 600 men
Aztec ruler who gave Cortez a lot of gold and silver because he thought Cortez was a God, was killed by his own people
Aztec city that Cortez captured and destroyed (present-day Mexico City)
Francisco Pizarro
Led an expedition of 180 men & 37 horses from the Isthmus of Panama to the Inca Empire(Peru) and seized it in 1532
Incan leader who Pizarro took hostage and executed after the Incas filled a room with gold and silver for his release
Spain controlled the West Indies, Central America, Southern and Western North America, and much of South America
Spanish Colonial Government & Society
Centralized government, Viceroys as representatives of the monarchy, Encomienda system of slave labor, Diseases decimated the native population leading to the importation of African slaves
Spanish Rivals (British, French, & Dutch) started colonies in the Americas, violated the treaty of Tortesilla, and attacked Spanish ships carrying gold and silver
Charles V
Member of the Habsburg family, King of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, had to defend Europe against the Ottoman Turks, wars drained Spain's resources
Philip II
Devout Roman Catholic, Leader of the Counter-Reformation, Fought wars to defend Catholicism, Financial problems due to inherited debt and costly wars
Philip's Wives
Maria Manuela of Portugal, Mary I of England, Elisabeth Valois of France, Anna of Austria
Battle of Lepanto
Huge victory for Philip II over the Ottoman Turks in 1571
El Escorial
Enormous monastery/palace built by Philip II to be intimidating and show off Spain's victories
Spanish Armada
150 ship fleet sent by Philip II in 1588 to overthrow Queen Elizabeth, reinstate Catholicism in England, and halt English & Dutch attacks on Spanish ships, ended in disaster
Dutch Society
Excellent and efficient ships, dominated European commerce, religiously tolerant, colonial empire through the Dutch East India Company
Philip's harsh treatment of his subjects in the Netherlands led to catastrophe for Spain, as the people turned their distrust into outright rebellion
Amazing sailors
Dominated European commerce throughout 1600s
Dutch banks and trading company
Most of Europe's trade in the 1600s was carried on Dutch ships
Manufacturing, especially in ships
Population mainly Calvinists, only Calvinists could hold political positions in office but they were religiously tolerant
Colonial empire in Asia, Africa, Caribbean, North America, South America
Colonies reflected business attitude of homeland
New Amsterdam
1626 Manhattan
The Rise of the Dutch
Provinces of the Netherlands, land in which Philip inherited, had been a great trading center, one of Europe's richest areas (since the middle ages)
People in the province had a proud tradition of independence
1550s Calvinism was already making headway in the area
Philip's harsh treatment of his subjects in the Netherlands
Led to catastrophe for Spain
People of the Netherlands strongly distrusted Philip
Revolt led by William the Silent
Grew so strong that Philip could not stop it
William the Silent
Called the silent because he spoke to few people
Prince of Orange
Catholic → Lutheran → Calvinism
Guerilla warfare, also opened the dikes and the Spanish drown
Relied on swift raids by bands of soldiers to keep army off balance
Split North & South 1579
North = United Province of the Netherlands
South = Belgium (especially Netherlands…Austria Netherlands and then Belgium)