Technological Advances (Mapmaking, Navigation instruments, Compass, Astrolabe, New Ships)
Economic Changes (Commercial Revolution, Economy changes to meet needs of Exploration, Standardized money, Backed by gold & silver, Strong business transaction, Join stock companies, Donation helped pay)
Political Changes (Search for overseas empire, Competition, Power, Trade center moved)
Colonies (Wanted to gain as many colonies in order to become fully independent, Only existed for the benefits of the mother country, Faced strict economic laws, New markets)
Economic theory to become self-sufficient, get as much gold & rich, Favorable Balance of Trade (Sell more than you need to buy), Tarrifs (Tax on imported goods), Subsidies to encourage new industry
Centralized government, Viceroys as representatives of the monarchy, Encomienda system of slave labor, Diseases decimated the native population leading to the importation of African slaves
Spanish Rivals (British, French, & Dutch) started colonies in the Americas, violated the treaty of Tortesilla, and attacked Spanish ships carrying gold and silver
150 ship fleet sent by Philip II in 1588 to overthrow Queen Elizabeth, reinstate Catholicism in England, and halt English & Dutch attacks on Spanish ships, ended in disaster