ch 15 sec 1-4

Cards (93)

  • Marco Polo
    Went to China for 15 years in the 1400s and came back and told what he experienced and saw
  • Reasons to Change
    • Crusades
    • Middle east fought experienced pirates
    • Trade (Spice, Silks, Jewels)
  • Leaders
    • Portugal
    • Spain
  • 5 Different Changes
    • Technological Advances (Mapmaking, Navigation instruments, Compass, Astrolabe, New Ships)
    • Cannons
    • Economic Changes (Commercial Revolution, Economy changes to meet needs of Exploration, Standardized money, Backed by gold & silver, Strong business transaction, Join stock companies, Donation helped pay)
    • Political Changes (Search for overseas empire, Competition, Power, Trade center moved)
    • Colonies (Wanted to gain as many colonies in order to become fully independent, Only existed for the benefits of the mother country, Faced strict economic laws, New markets)
  • Caravels
    Ocean vessels that replaced Galleys (old fashioned ships and could only travel along the coasts)
  • Cannons
    Protect from pirates, Changed naval warfare
  • Commercial Revolution
    Name of the period with many economic changes
  • Mercantilism
    Economic theory to become self-sufficient, get as much gold & rich, Favorable Balance of Trade (Sell more than you need to buy), Tarrifs (Tax on imported goods), Subsidies to encourage new industry
  • Colonies only existed for the benefits of the mother country, Caused for such strict economic laws
  • Societal Causes
    • Overcrowding
    • Religious Persecution (Hugenots went to Canada, Puritans went to New England)
  • Throughout the 1500s Spain was the most powerful nation in Europe. Spain had the largest overseas empire. 150 years later Spain's power has declined.
  • Spain's Colonial Empire
    Focused on colonizing the Americas and the Philippines to gain gold and silver
  • Spain failed to find the spices they sought for and soon discovered that the land wasn't the East Indies.
  • Juan Ponce de Leon
    Left Puerto Rico seeking the Fountain of Youth in 1513
  • Panfilo de Narvaez
    Led an expedition to Florida in 1528 that ended in disaster
  • Alvan Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
    Led a handful of survivors from the Narvaez expedition through southwestern US. and Mexico for 7 years
  • Hernan Cortez
    Explored the Yucatan in Mexico, learned about the Mayan & Aztec civilizations, invaded Mexico in 1519 with 11 ships and 600 men
  • Moctezuma
    Aztec ruler who gave Cortez a lot of gold and silver because he thought Cortez was a God, was killed by his own people
  • Tenochtitlan
    Aztec city that Cortez captured and destroyed (present-day Mexico City)
  • Francisco Pizarro
    Led an expedition of 180 men & 37 horses from the Isthmus of Panama to the Inca Empire(Peru) and seized it in 1532
  • Atahualpa
    Incan leader who Pizarro took hostage and executed after the Incas filled a room with gold and silver for his release
  • Spain controlled the West Indies, Central America, Southern and Western North America, and much of South America
  • Spanish Colonial Government & Society
    Centralized government, Viceroys as representatives of the monarchy, Encomienda system of slave labor, Diseases decimated the native population leading to the importation of African slaves
  • Spanish Rivals (British, French, & Dutch) started colonies in the Americas, violated the treaty of Tortesilla, and attacked Spanish ships carrying gold and silver
  • Charles V
    Member of the Habsburg family, King of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, had to defend Europe against the Ottoman Turks, wars drained Spain's resources
  • Philip II
    Devout Roman Catholic, Leader of the Counter-Reformation, Fought wars to defend Catholicism, Financial problems due to inherited debt and costly wars
  • Philip's Wives
    Maria Manuela of Portugal, Mary I of England, Elisabeth Valois of France, Anna of Austria
  • Battle of Lepanto
    Huge victory for Philip II over the Ottoman Turks in 1571
  • El Escorial
    Enormous monastery/palace built by Philip II to be intimidating and show off Spain's victories
  • Spanish Armada
    150 ship fleet sent by Philip II in 1588 to overthrow Queen Elizabeth, reinstate Catholicism in England, and halt English & Dutch attacks on Spanish ships, ended in disaster
  • Dutch Society
    Excellent and efficient ships, dominated European commerce, religiously tolerant, colonial empire through the Dutch East India Company
  • Philip's harsh treatment of his subjects in the Netherlands led to catastrophe for Spain, as the people turned their distrust into outright rebellion
  • Dutch
    • Amazing sailors
    • Dominated European commerce throughout 1600s
    • Dutch banks and trading company
    • Most of Europe's trade in the 1600s was carried on Dutch ships
    • Manufacturing, especially in ships
    • Population mainly Calvinists, only Calvinists could hold political positions in office but they were religiously tolerant
    • Colonial empire in Asia, Africa, Caribbean, North America, South America
    • Colonies reflected business attitude of homeland
  • New Amsterdam
    1626 Manhattan
  • The Rise of the Dutch
    • Provinces of the Netherlands, land in which Philip inherited, had been a great trading center, one of Europe's richest areas (since the middle ages)
    • People in the province had a proud tradition of independence
    • 1550s Calvinism was already making headway in the area
  • Philip's harsh treatment of his subjects in the Netherlands
    Led to catastrophe for Spain
  • People of the Netherlands strongly distrusted Philip
  • Revolt led by William the Silent
    Grew so strong that Philip could not stop it
  • William the Silent
    • Called the silent because he spoke to few people
    • Prince of Orange
    • CatholicLutheran → Calvinism
    • Guerilla warfare, also opened the dikes and the Spanish drown
    • Relied on swift raids by bands of soldiers to keep army off balance
  • Split North & South 1579
    North = United Province of the Netherlands
    South = Belgium (especially Netherlands…Austria Netherlands and then Belgium)