Higher concentration of virus to elicit higher response
Adjuvanted (Fluad)
Additional something to help immune respond better
Associated w/ stronger immune reponse
Higher antibody production
Caveats and Considerations
Specifically NOT LAIV (live vaccination)
NEVER turn someone away -- give what you have
Pertussis particularly dangerous to very young and very old
Caveats and Considerations
When in doubt -- Tdap
Caveats and Considerations
Even if previously vaccinated w/ Zostavax (the old shingles vaccine)
Caveat and Consideration
Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
Hepatitis B
For those w/ DM
Caveats and Considerations
Based on SCDM
Pneumococcal Vaccines (PCV15, PCV20, PPSV23)
If you don't know history, or they've not received anything:
1 dose of PCV15 followed by PPSV23 one year later
Minimum 8 wks for those an immunocompromising condition, cochlear implant, or cerebrospinal fluid leak
1 dose of PCV20
If they've previously received PCV13 only (at any age)
PPSV23 one year apart
Pneumococcal Vaccines (cont.)
PCV20 one year apart
If they've previously received PPSV23 only
Either PCV15 or PCV20 one year apart
If they've previously received both PCV13 and PPSV23
Check what year PPSV23 was given
If given when < 65 yo --> PCV20 (5 yrs apart) OR PPSV23
1 yr apart from PCV13 dose, and 5 from PPSV23 dose
If given when ≥ 65 yo --> may give PCV20 (5 yrs apart) [SCDM]
Shared Clinical Decision-Making
Individuals may benefit from vaccination, but broad vaccination of people in that group is unlikely to have populaiton-level impacts
Q: who is considered a HCP w/ regard to shared clinical decision-making recommendations?
A: in this context, CDC defines a HCP as anyone who provides or administers vaccines: primary care physician, specialists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and pharmacists
Shared Clinical Decision-Making (cont.)
Q: what resources are available for providers who want to implement these recommendations?
A: for every ACIP recommendation, CDC publishes a policy note in Morbidity and Morality Weekly Report (MMWR), which provides background and considerations on each recommendation
CDC will also develop vaccine-specific guidance to help clinicians understand and apply shared clinical decision-making recommendations
HCP can find information on ACIP's recommendations on the ACIP Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines page