Explanation for conformity

Cards (6)

    • Normative SI: an individual conforms to the group to avoid disapproval/be like
    • Informational SI: an individual conforms to the group in order to look correct (looking to others to gain evidence of a reality)
  • AO3:
    • Linkenbach and Perkins 2003, adolescents exposed to message that majority of peers their age did not smoke were subsequently less likely to smoke. Schultz 2008, hotel guests exposed to message that 75% guests reuse towels (energy conservation) reduced their own towel use by 25%
  • AO3:
    • Wittenbrink and Henley 1996, Ps exposed to negative info on African Americans (and told this was majority opinion) later had poorer attitude to this demographic. Fein 2007, Ps who saw what was supposedly the reaction of fellow Ps on screen during a presidential debate created shift in own views
  • AO3:
    • Nolan 2008, we often under-detect normative influence. When Ps asked what most influences own choices to energy save in homes, they all believed views of neighbours had the least effect, when results showed it actually has most effect
  • AO3:
    • Effect of informational SI dependent on type of judgement. If it is probable fact (like actual location of a city), SI not effective as can be fact checked. However, opinion views like if the city is the most fun in the country is when people look to others opinions views more for guidance