The art, science and technology of making maps together with their study as scientific documents and as works of art
An abstraction of reality for analyzing, storing, and communicating information about the locations, attributes, and inter-relationship of physical and social phenomena that are distributed over the earth's surface
Characteristics of Maps
Drawn to Scale - defined as dimensional relationship between reality and map
Emphasize selected features - Large Symbols, Heavy Lines, Pointing Arrows, Colors
Symbolized - uses different symbologies for various attributes of the map
Lettered, titled and labelled - title or map content, legend, data, source
Have orientation- Direction of North
Purpose of Maps
Application of Maps
Economic Planning
Education and Research
Environment and Natural Resources
Land Management
LGU Development
National Defense
Private Land Development
Public Works
Social Welfare and Development
Transportation and Communication
Classification of Maps by Scale
Small Scale (1:500,000 or more) - national planning
Medium Scale (Between 1:50,000 & 1:500,000) - regional planning
Large Scale (1:50,000 or less) - provincial, metropolitan - municapality/ city, land-use planning
Classification of Maps by Function
General maps - reference maps, base maps
Analytical maps
Thematic maps - overlay maps
Classification of Maps by Subject Matter
Cadastral map
As-built map/Plans
Geologic map
Climatic map
Soil map
Economic map
Population map
Transportation map
Other Types of Maps
Line maps
Photo maps (standard, rectified, mosaic)
Computer generated maps
Location/vicinity map
Tube map
Flow map
Advantages of Maps
More objective and efficient than verbal descriptions
Useful source of data and give historical perspective
Useful in engineering design and construction
Can lead us to insights, discoveries and new ways of understanding
Limitations of Maps
No single map can show all the features of a landscape (simplification of reality)
Maps are related to a specific use
Maps can be misleading, because of the selection and generalization of data represented on the map
Science of Earth's measurement: shape, orientation, and gravity
Defines the position of the ellipsoid relative to the center of the Earth and provides a frame of reference for measuring locations on the surface of the Earth
Coordinate Systems
Geographic/global coordinate system (Latitude/Longitude)
Cartesian/planar coordinate system (Northing/Easting/Elevation)
Latitude (φ)
Angular distance from equator; along Y axis
Longitude (λ)
Angular distance from standard meridian; along X axis
Cartesian/planar coordinate system
Also called Cartesian coordinate geometry
A system of intersecting perpendicular lines on a plane with two principal axes (x - and y –axes)
The position of any point P can be specified by the values of x and y and plotting its location with respect to the Cartesian plane
While a spheroid approximates the shape of the earth, a datum defines the position of the ellipsoid relative to the center of the Earth
Provides a frame of reference for measuring locations on the surface of the Earth
Chosen to align a spheroid to closely fit the Earth's surface in a particular area
It is important to ensure that the datum of a dataset matches with the datum setting of your workspace/mapping environment and with other data sets being used
Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)
The combination of a coordinate system and a datum
Philippine ReferenceSystems
Map Projections
A systematic transformation of the latitudes and longitudes of locations on the surface of a sphere or an ellipsoid into locations on a plane
Necessary for creating maps
Maps are models and are generalized representations of reality
All map projections distort the surface, each projection distorts differently
The larger the land surface represented the more curvature of the Earth encompassed, and the greater the necessity for projections to construct flat map
Function is to define how positions on the Earth's curved surface are transformed into a flat map surface
Geographic coordinates (Φ,λ) to Cartesian coordinates (x,y)
Developable Surfaces
The Earth cannot be pulled or cut apart to lie flat the way a map does. Neither the Earth nor any of its three-dimensional representations (such as the geoid, ellipsoid, sphere, or globe) are developable surfaces
A developable surface has the property that it can be obtainable by transformation from a plane. It can be flattened without distortion
Geometric forms used: plane, the cylinder, and the cone. These give rise to four overall families of map projections: azimuthal, cylindrical, conic, and mathematical
Mathematical projections (those that cannot be developed by projective geometry) are in some cartographers' taxonomies simply classified into the geometric families based on their appearances. A few projections bear striking resemblance to the developable ones but are different enough to be classed as pseudocylindrical, pseudoconic, and pseudoazimuthal
The position of the projected graticule relative to the ordinary position of the geographic grid on the Earth
It can be visualized as the position of the developablegeometric surface to the reference globe
It may be normal (such that the surface's axis of symmetry coincides with the Earth's axis), transverse (at right angles to the Earth's axis) or oblique (any angle in between)
Location of the "lightsource" of projection
Refer to the point/circle of tangency: tangent or secant
The location of highest accuracy/less distortion is at the point/circle of tangency
Distortions from map projections
It is impossible to render the spherical surface of the reference globe as a flat map without distortion error caused by tearing, shearing, or compression of the surface
The designer's task is to select the most appropriate projection so that there is a measure of control over the unwanted error
Tissot's Indicatrix
A mathematical contrivance used in cartography to characterize local distortions in map projections
Properties of Map Projections
On an ideal map, X = fX(ɸ, λ) and Y = fY(ɸ, λ) must satisfy the following conditions:
A map projection can only satisfy some of these properties
From authalic and –graph
May be the most accurate map projection created to date
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
Secant projection
Cylindrical surface in transverse aspect
Two standard meridians
Scale at each zone's central meridian is 0.9996 and at most 1.0004 at the edge of the zone
Parallels and meridians are curved, except for the centralmeridians and equator
Map is divided into 60 zones, each 6° wide
Problematic for areas at high latitudes and places that are in two zones
Commonly used for military applications and for mapping at a global or national coverage
Factors affecting choice of suitable map projections
Parameters (Radius of the sphere or equatorial and polar radius of the reference ellipsoid, Geodetic datum, Origin of the coordinate system, False easting and northings, Central meridian, standard parallels, or center of projection, Scale factor at the central meridian or standard parallels)
Size, shape and geographical location of the area
Traditional Approach (La Putt, 1986)
Use cylindricalprojection for areas in the tropics
Use conicalprojection for areas in the temperate latitudes
Use azimuthal projection for areas in the polar region
The ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground measured in the same unit
Relates to the size of the area being studied and determines the level of precision and generalization applied in the study
An elusive thing because, by the very nature of the necessary transformation from the sphere to the plane, the scale of a map must vary from place to place and will even vary in different directions at a point
Scales are relative to the amount of detail required in the map and the required information; thus, scale dictates precision and generalization of the area
Transformation algorithms tend to add distortions on the planar figure which varies the scale at different areas and at different direction; it is an inherent limitation of map projections; thus, projections are chosen depending on the area or information that is needed to be represented
Maps are necessarily smaller than the areas mapped
To be usable maps must state the ratio or proportion between comparable measurements