Mouth - Sheeps use their lips and teeth as their primary forage gathering tools
Breast - provides the nourishment of the young
ForeShank - The front part of the shoulder as well as part of the leg.
Hoof - many functions such as supporting the weight of the animal, limit the energy impact as the hooves strikes the ground, and protecting the tissues.
DewClaw - Gives them the ability to climb on rocks with a secure foothold
Fore Flank - Fat upon the ribs of a sheep
Fore Shank - The back of the legs
Hock - The joint between the tarsal bones and tibia
Tail - To protect the sheep’s anus, vulva, and udder.
Rump - The back side of the lamb where the top of the leg meets the loin
Hip Bone - The cartilage of this is transformed into a flexible ligament late in pregnancy.
Loin - lying between the upper part of the hipbone and the last of the false ribson either side of the backbone