Research on capacity

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  • Research on Capacity
    Capacity- the amount of info that can be held in a memory store.
    Digit span- Jacobs (1887) developed technique to measure digit span. E.g. gave ppts 4 digits to recall in order out loud, then 5, until they couldn't. Mean span for digits= 9.3 items. letters= 7.3
    Span of memory and chunking- Miller (1956)- The span/capacity= 7 +/- 2. But recall 5 words as well as they recall 5 letters- They do this by chunking- grouping sets of digits or letters into units or chunks.
  • Research on capacity- evaluation
    Jacobs- conducted a long time ago, early research often lacked adequate control. E.g., distracted when tested. Confounding variables = results might not be valid. But results have been confirmed by other research.
    Miller- may have overestimated capacity for STM. E.g., Cowan (2001) reviewed other research and concluded that capacity was only about 4 chunks- means lower end of estimate (5 items) is more appropriate.