A subfield of ecology that focuses on the study of how the size,structure, and growth of populations of organisms change over time and in response to various environmental factors
Concerns the factors influencing the expansion, decline, and maintenance of the population to create a total growth rate
Three factors that contribute to this growth rate: fertility (birth rate), migration, and mortality
Factors that will increase the population of a country
Factors that will decrease the population of a country
PopulationSize (N)
The total number of individuals of a species in a given area at a specific time
Birth Rate (Natality)
The number of offspring produced per unit of time within a population
Death Rate (Mortality)
The number of individuals that die per unit of time within a population
Immigration (I)
The movement of individuals INTO a population
Emigration (E)
The movement of individuals OUT of a population
Population Growth Rate (r)
The net change in population size per unit of time, calculated as the difference between birth rate and death rate
Where the population size increases rapidly and continuously over time in the absence of limiting factors
Carrying Capacity (K)
The maximum population size that an environment can support sustainably over the long term
Factors Influencing Carrying Capacity
Resource availability, habitat space, and environmental conditions
Logistic Growth
Characterized by an initial exponential growth phase followed by a stabilization of population size as it approaches carrying capacity
Factors that have a greater impact as population density increases (e.g., competition, predation, disease)
Density-Independent Factors
Factors that affect population growth regardless of population density (e.g., weather events, natural disasters)
A positive interaction where two species benefit from their association
An interaction where one species (parasite) benefits at the expense of another species (host)
An interaction in which one species benefits, while the other is neither helped nor harmed
Cohort is a group born during the same time period
A snapshot of survival within a population during a short interval of time
Age distribution
The proportion of individuals of different ages within a population
Crudebirthrate (CBR)
Total number of births per 1000 individuals
Crude death rate (CDR)
Total number of deaths per 1000 individuals
Total fertility rate (TFR)
Average number of births per woman of child-bearing age