
    Cards (12)

    • Culturally bound - there are various cultural factors that can be used
      Mainly American
    • Filters must interact in complex ways
    • Can't be a single set of filters or factors that explain the formation of all relationships
    • We don't know the relative importance of the filters
    • Berschied and Reis - Found differences in personality led to conflict
      This led to termination
    • Levinger (1970) - 330 couples and found no evidence to support complementarity
    • Too simplistic
    • Overwhelming evidence supports the similarity attraction principle
    • Temporal validity - Done when there was no internet
      Need to know how filters operate online
    • Individual differences
    • Weak evidence for a fixed sequence of stages in the formation of relationships
      Real life is complicated
    • Complementarity of needs/personality has not been supported by research
      Similarity matters more: Studies to use - Dijkstraad and Barelds (2005), Match.com study
    See similar decks