Exam 3 lectures

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  • purpose of knee
    allow bending to clear foot during gait, to lower body and COM and to transfer forces
  • knee stability provided by
    active and passive soft tissues
    muscles, ligaments, and menisci
  • facets of the patella
    medial facet
    odd facet (most medial)
    lateral facet
    medial and lateral facet separated by vertica
  • tibial vs. femoral facets
    tibial medial condyle is larger and has a larger meniscus
    femoral condyle is steeper and higher on lateral side to protect from lateral dislocation
  • medial femoral condyle
    goes more distal
  • Q-angle
    mild genu-valgum is normal
    females: 20
    males: 12
  • Synovium projects inward to exclude what from the synovial cavity
    ACL/PCL (intra-articular but extra-synovial ligaments)
  • what bursa of the knee communicates with the joint cavity
    supra-patellar bursa
  • plicae
    synovial pleats/ folds
    can cause friction
    Can remodel over time, but may not, and when it remains, it can become thickened and cause friction-related pain from rubbing on articular cartilage (surgical removal is common)
  • infrapatellar fat pad movement with flexion/extension
    flexion: posterior movement
    extension: anterior movement
    Sometimes the scarring after a BPTB graft can impinge on the infrapatellar fat pad
    The pad can also simply become impinged in the joint and cause pain (Infrapatellar fat pad syndrome, or “Hoffa’s Syndrome”)
  • active/ passive structures affecting motion
    arthrokinematics (passively): ligaments, capsule, and retinaculum
    osteokinematic motion: induces by tendons
  • medial patellofemoral ligament
    main patella stabilizer
  • anterior/posterior stability of the knee
    ACL: taut in extension
    PCL: taut in flexion
    do not heal on their own due to synovial fluid that can flood capsule with a tear
  • menisci purpose
    reduce stress, stabilize, provide proprioception, lubricate, guide arthrokinematics
    medial meniscus injured more and DJD more common
  • posterior stability of the knee
    Passive: oblique popliteal ligament reinforces posterior capsule
    active: popliteus
  • why don't external devices match up with the axis of the femur?
    moving/migrating axis "evolute"
  • screw home mechanism
    rotation of the knee during the last few degrees of extension
    OKC: tibial ER on fixed femur
    CKC: femoral IR on fixed tibia
    popliteus: unlocks knee through flexion and rotation; only rotator in extension with good leverage and stability for unlocking the extended knee
    passive only, does not occur in isolation
  • factors causing the screw-home mechanism
    shape of medial femoral condyle, tension in ACL, lateral pull of quads
  • menisci movement during femoral movement
    flexion: posterior
    extension: anterior
    lateral meniscus moves farther due to not being attached to LCL
  • mechanism of injury: ACL
    foot planted, large valgus force, axial rotation in either direction, hyperextension
    never gains full function/strength if torn due to grafts needing time to revascularize and necrosis occurring until vascularization is complete
    greater risk in females
  • ACL protection in landing
    hip/glute landing strategy
    greater sharing of demand between quads and hip extensors
  • quads protect?
  • hamstrings protect?
  • greatest patellofemoral contact at?
    90-60 degrees
    least at full extension: apex has the most contact
  • axes of patellar motion
    medial/lateral tilt (sagittal axis)
    nodding (flex/ext) (frontal axis)
    spinning along z-axis (transverse axis)
  • function of patella
    increase MA
  • why is the compressive force higher as the squat gets deeper
    decreased angle for torque
  • Patellar tracking is most affected by what tendon
    patellar tendon/quad tendon
  • extensor muscles of the knee function
    isometric: stabilization
    eccentric: control rate of descent of COM, shock absorption, the extent of flexion, dampens the impact of loading
    concentric: accelerate tibia or femur toward extension, raise COM
  • knee torque
    OKC increase from 90-0 (most in full ext, least in flex)
    CKC decreases from 90  to 0 deg (most in deep squat, least in standing upright)
  • extensor lag
    strains ACL graft
    can't do SLR due to dissociation between nerve and muscle
  • flexor action in gait
    Accelerate and lift during swing phase of gait (concentric)
    Decelerate during terminal swing of gait (eccentric)
  • glute max gait
    Increases load on patellofemoral joint, leading to OA and/or overuse
  • varus deformity
    GRF is medial to knee and causes varus torque or moment.
    doesn’t have as much freedom as lateral compartment, and it is more exposed due to C-shaped medial meniscus.
  • valgus deformity
    caused by coxa vara, obesity, stretched MCL, genetics, m weakness, foot pronation
    increased Q angle with slight IR
  • genu recurvatum
    BW anterior to knee
    treated by hamstring strengthening, heel lift
  • chondromalcia patella
    softening/breakdown of retropatellar cartilage (usually due to disuse)
  • unhappy triad
    ACL, MCL, medial meniscus
  • Pliability of the foot purpose

    during the loading response as the foot molds to the surface
  • purpose of rigidity in the foot
    change in motion
    with supination during toe off so that we have a rigid lever to use for propulsion