Presentation of business information

Subdecks (6)

Cards (154)

  • Verbal presentation: the use of speech by a presenter to convey a message to stakeholders/audiences.
  • Non-verbal presentation: the presentation of information to an audience without using spoken words
  • Visual Aids: are charts/pictures/images that help to clarify a point/enhance a presentation
  • Flipchart: a large pad of paper, bound so that each page can be turned over at the to reveal a next page, used on a stand
  • Graphs: diagrams that show the relationship between two or more sets of numbers
  • Tables: a set of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows
  • Diagrams: illustration of information using visualization techniques
  • Posters: a large sheet of paper/cardboard promoting certain products or events that can be displayed on public street poles/walls
  • Handouts: printed information provided to the audience to accompany a presentation
  • Transparencies/slides: a visual representation of data/audio/video on a screen
  • Business reports: formal written documents outlining factual information to stakeholders of a business
  • Flyer: a thin sheet of paper on which businesses advertise their products or services
  • Entrepreneurs need to present their business plans to various stakeholders and potential investors. Entrepreneurs should know how to present business information in a professional manner and protect the business image/brand