
    Cards (24)

    • What are ethical issues in research studies?
      They arise when there is a conflict between the rights of participants and the goals of the research.
    • Why might a researcher choose not to reveal the true purpose of a study?
      To elicit more natural behavior from participants.
    • What are the ethical dilemmas associated with misleading participants in research?
      It raises questions about justification, potential psychological distress, and the acceptability of deception.
    • What are the four major ethical issues to consider when planning research?
      1. Informed Consent
      2. Deception
      3. Protection from Harm
      4. Privacy and Confidentiality
    • What must participants be informed about when giving informed consent?
      They must know the aims of the study, the procedure, their rights, and how their data will be used.
    • How can informed consent potentially affect the validity of a study?
      It may lead to unnatural behavior if participants are aware of the study's aims.
    • What is presumptive consent in research?
      It involves asking a similar group if they find the study acceptable, presuming consent from actual participants if they agree.
    • What is prior general consent?
      Participants consent to being involved in multiple studies, including those that may involve deception.
    • What is retrospective consent?
      It is when participants give consent during debriefing after the experiment has taken place.
    • What should participants receive before any experiment?
      A consent letter with all relevant information that may affect their willingness to participate.
    • What is the role of a parent in the consent process for research involving children?
      Parents must give consent for children under 16 to participate in research.
    • What does deception in research mean?
      It means deliberately misleading or withholding information from a participant at any stage of a study.
    • When might deception in research be justified?
      If the research is not going to cause the participant undue distress.
    • What is the principle of protection from harm in research?
      Participants should never be placed at more risk than they would be in their everyday lives.
    • What types of psychological harm should be avoided in research?
      Participants should not feel embarrassed, inadequate, or placed under undue stress.
    • What should participants be given at the end of a study?
      A full debrief explaining the true aims of the study and any withheld details.
    • What assurances should participants receive during debriefing?
      They must be assured that their data will be protected and that they have the right to withhold their data.
    • What should be done if a participant feels they have been subject to harm?
      Counseling must be made available to them.
    • What is the right of privacy in research?

      Participants have the right to control information about themselves.
    • What does confidentiality mean in the context of research?
      It is the right to have personal data protected under the Data Protection Act.
    • What is the BPS Code of Ethics?
      It is a quasi-legal document that instructs psychologists in the UK about acceptable practices when dealing with participants.
    • What are the four major principles of the BPS Code of Ethics?
      Respect, competence, responsibility, and integrity.
    • What is the purpose of the BPS Code of Conduct?
      To ensure that all participants are treated with respect and consideration.
    • How do ethics committees determine if research is ethically fit?
      They use a cost-benefit analysis to weigh research goals against potential participant distress.
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