Francisco Albo - a greek sailor, which was one of the 18 survivors who returned to sebastian elcano on the victoria
Antonio Pigafetta - an Italian nobleman, cartographer, geographer, who was sent by the king of Spain to document their voyage
As they sailed in a westerly course from the Ladrones, they saw land towards the northwest; but owing to many shallow places they did not approach it. They found out later that its name was Yunagan.
MARCH 16, 1521 - as they sailed in a westerly course from the Ladrones, they saw land towards the northwest; but owing to many shallow places they did not approach it. They found out later that its name was Yunagan.
Suluan - where the voyagers sailed to, and achored; was at 9 and two-thirds degree north latitude
Gada - departing from two islands, this is where they sailed to, which they took in a supply of wood and water here
Seilani - an inhabited island and was known to have gold
Mazava - where the Spaniards plated a cross upon a mountain-top
Zamal - the "Land of Hope"
March 16, 1521 (Saturday) - they sighted a "high land" named zamla
Islands of Saint Lazarus - Magellan named the entire Homonhon islands into this
March 17, 1521 (sunday) - when they landed in Humulu after sighting Zamal Island,
March 18, 1521 (monday) - when they first encounter that they had with the local natives
The native men promised the voyagers to bring more supplies in "four days"
Seilani - now known as island of Leyte
Rajah Humabon - was the king of Subu
Acquada la di bouni Segnialli - means "The Watering Place of Good Omen"
Humunu - now known as Homonhon Island
March 22 (friday) - after four days, this is when the natives came back and brought supplies
The Magellan’s expedition stayed eight days at homonhon
March 25 - when the expedition set sail and left Homonhon Island
Feast of the Incarnation - march 25 was significant in the church calendar
Feast of the Incarnation - also known as the annunciation or “our lady’s day"
March 28, 1521 - was holy thursday, when they anchored off an island where the previous night they had seen the light or a bonfire
Rajah Kolambu - king of Mazaua
Islands of Camotes Group
- Poro, Pasihan, and Ponson
April 7 - when they entered the harbor of Zubu
March 28 - In the morning they anchored near an island where they had seen a light the night
Boloto - small boat
Balanghai - larger boats
Enrique de Mallaca - interpreter of Magellan
March 31 - when a mass was celebrated and after which a cross was venerated
Three ports to choose from: Ceylon, Zubu, and Calagan
Zubu - the port with the most trade
April 1 - day when they should harvest but no work was done
April 2-3 - the harvest was done during the next days