
    Cards (16)

    • what is validity
      extent to which a result is genuine (legit)
    • what is internal validity
      whether its only the IV that affects the DV
    • whats external validity
      whether results can be generalised
    • 3 types of external validity
      ecological, population & temporal
    • whats ecological validity
      whether results can be generalised to other settings - e.g. 'everyday life
    • whats population validity
      whether findings can be generalised to other groups of people
    • whats temporal validity
      whether findings can be generalised over time
    • whats face validity

      whether findings appear 'on the face of it's to measure what it claims to be
    • how do you determine face validity

      getting an expert to check, ask others whether its a good measure, scrutinise the measuring instrument
    • whats concurrent validity
      when results are very close/match the results from another recognised/well established test
    • how do you establish concurrent validity
      - correlate 2 sets of scores
      - if correlation coefficient >0.8 = significant
    • what would indicate high concurrent validity

      close agreement between 2 sets of data
    • how do you improve experiments validity (4)
      - standardisation
      - control groups
      - single/double blind procedures
    • how do you improve validity in questionnaires (3)
      - remove problematic questions (ambiguous, leading, double-barrelled)
      - include a lie scale
      - assure Ps data will be anonymous
    • how do you improve observations validity (2)
      - behaviour categories (non-ambiguous, not too broad)
      - higher ecological validity if covert
    • how do you improve validity when using qualitative methods (3)
      - triangulation (use number of different sources for evidence)
      - interpretive validity of conclusions (do Rs/Ps interpretations of events match)
      - higher ecological validity (depth/detail of case studies reflect Ps reality)
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