Cell division is asexual which means its quicker, they can produce more and all of the cells are identical. It's important that they're identical because that means they have the same DNA. If they don't have the same DNA many problems arise.
Cell division is the process by which cellular material is divided between 2 daughter cells.
The two daughter cells will be identical to each other and the mother cell.
Just before cell division, chromosomes appear in the nucleus of the cell.
Before cell division occurs, each cell must first copy it's DNA.
Cell divsion occurs in four steps: 1). G1 or Gap 1(Growth), 2). S or Synthesis (Duplication of DNA), 3). G2 or Gap 2(Growth and prep for division), 4). M or Mitosis and Cytokinesis (The division of the nucleus (mitosis) and the division of the cytoplasm (Cytokinesis))
What is the first step in the process from DNA to chromatid?