the dissenter gave the right answer against the majority = reduced rates from 37% to 5.5%.
dissenter gave a different answer to the confederates but not the right answer = conformity dropped 9%.
difficulty of the task
linelengths became much smaller and harder to tell the difference between.
conformity increased as self efficiency decreased.
limitations of Asch's study
the task and situation were artificial (couldn't be generalised to real-life situations as ppts knew they were in a study and may have gone along with what was expected)
ppts were all Americanmen (Asch's study tell us little about conformity in women and people from some cultures)
research support
support from other studies for effects of task difficulty
todd lucas et al - asked ppts to solve 'easy' and 'hard' maths problems
ppts given answers from 3 other students (not real)
ppts conformed more often when the problems were harder
research support
shows asch was correct in claiming that task difficulty is one variable that affects conformity