Psychology - Social Influence

    Cards (17)

    • What was the aim of Moscovici's study on conformity to a minority?

      To see if conformity can occur through the influence of a consistent minority.
    • What type of experimental design was used in Moscovici's study?

      A laboratory experiment using an independent measures design.
    • What was the composition of the groups in Moscovici's experiment?

      • 172 female participants
      • 32 groups of 6 participants each
      • Each group had 2 confederates and 4 real participants
    • What were participants told the experiment was about?

      They were told it was an experiment about colour perception.
    • How many blue slides were shown to the participants in the study?
      36 blue slides.
    • What was the consistent response of the confederates regarding the color of the slides?

      The confederates consistently answered that the slides were green.
    • What was the response pattern of the confederates in the inconsistent condition?

      They said green 24 times and blue 12 times.
    • What was the percentage of trials where participants agreed with the minority when confederates were consistent?

      1. 42% of the trials.
    • How many participants agreed with the minority at least once when confederates were consistent?

      32% agreed with them at least once.
    • What was the percentage of trials where participants agreed with the minority when confederates were inconsistent?

      1. 25% of the trials.
    • What are the conclusions drawn from Moscovici's study?

      • A minority can influence a majority.
      • Consistency is key for a minority to be influential.
    • What is the 'conversion' process in minority influence?

      • Scrutinizing the minority perspective
      • Comparing it to one's own view
      • Leads to more enduring internalization of the minority view
    • What are the three characteristics a minority must have to persuade the majority?
      1. Consistency
      • Synchronous consistency (agreement among members)
      • Diachronic consistency (long-term agreement)
      1. Commitment
      • Dedication to their cause
      1. Flexibility
      • Adaptability without being dogmatic
    • What does synchronous consistency refer to in minority influence?

      Agreement between all members of the minority.
    • What does diachronic consistency refer to in minority influence?

      Having been saying the same thing for some time now.
    • What is the augmentation principle in the context of minority influence?

      Minorities must show dedication to their cause, possibly through extreme activities.
    • Why is flexibility important for a minority trying to influence a majority?

      It helps them avoid coming across as dogmatic and rigid.
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