Free will means being actively in charge of one's behaviour and outcomes
Determinism means that ‘fate’/external forces decide one's destiny
Free will incapsulated in the humanistic approach as it sees the individual at the heart of their destiny, actively making decisions, and shaping their life rather than allowing external forces to shape it for them
Hard determinism is the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable, determined by fate. Also that behavioural patterns are not a persons fault
Soft determinism is an idea based of of hard determinism however it believe that humans have free will and control to an extent- it is the extent to which you are volunteering to do these actions (cognitive processes are determined however what you do with your thoughts is not therefore you can be held accountable for your actions)
Biological determinism is the idea that all actions and thoughts are down to genetic and internal physiological factors (genetic fixity: never changing)
Psychic determinism is the idea that behaviour stems from internal, unconscious drives which are derived from suppressed conflicts (usually from childhood)
Environmental determinism is the idea that behaviour stems from external conditions/ factors that are out of the persons control and influence their actions