Forgery - Has been used throughout history to advance agendas and manipulate perception of the past
Forged example
Donation of Constantine
Code of Kalantiaw
Codeofkalantiaw - Famous forged documents in phillipines . A supposed legal code purpotedly written 1433 by Datu kalantiaw . A chief in Negros 1965
Thesiteof1st Mass - The first christian mass in the phillipines , Celebrated on Limasawq island in southearn leyte is signigicant to the nation's history
The butuan Claim - was the site of the first christian mass in the phillipines has been longstanding tradition with a movement erected in 1872
The Limasawatheory - is the widely accepted historical account that the first catholic mass in the phillipines was celebrated on the island of limasawa , Located in southern leyte
NHCP's Verdict and other claims - While pigafetta says that the Easter Sunday mass on March31,1521 was celebrated in Mazaua