the consequences of any research in terms of the effects on individual participants or on the way in which certain groups of people are subsequently regarded.
what is social sensitivity
studies in which there are potential consequences or implications, either directly for the participants in the research or for the class of individuals represented by the research.
why is the research question an implication for the research process?
the way the questions are phrased and investigated may influence the way in which findings are interpreted
why is dealing with the participants an implication?
even if they give informed consent they may not fully understand the effect of the research.
how is the way findings are used an implication
It may impact on what data they actually collect.
Also sensitive information is what the media tend to be interested in and willing to publicise
What is a strength of socially sensitive research?
It can have benefits for the group who have been studied.
what is a limitation for socially sensitive research?
in some studies there could be negative consequences for the groups being studied. For example, research investigating the genetic basis of criminality has found that there is a "criminal gene' . If this is true does it mean that someone could be convicted on the basis that they have such a gene or should they be excused because they cannot be held responsible for any wrongdoing?
This suggests that when researching socially sensitive topics there is a need for very careful consideration of the possible outcomes and their consequences.
what is another strength of socially sensitive research?
certain groups rely on research related to socially sensitive issues.
The government looks to research when developing important social policies . For this reason in the UK there are independent groups such as the ONS who describe themselves as being responsible for collecting and analysing objective statistics about the UK's economy, society and population. .
This means that psychologists have an important role to play in providing high quality research on socially sensitive topic
what is another limitation for socially sensitive research?
poor research design might lead to erroneous findings which once in public, continue to have an impact.
Any research on socially sensitive topics need to be planned with care to ensure the findings are valid because of the enduring effects on particular groups of people.