Myelinated Neurones

Cards (4)

  • Enclosed by an insulating myelin sheath, made largely of phospholipids (80% lipid and 20% protein), formed by Schwann cells that wrap around whole axon length
  • Schwann cells spiral around, enclosing axon in their many plasma membrane layers; spaces between cells are Nodes of Ranvier; occur every 1-3mm
  • Speeds up nerve impulse transmission, since Na+ and K+ ion movement and therefore action potentials, can only occur at the Nodes of Ranvier, they jump from node to node impulse conduction is saltatory conduction
  • Myelinated Neuron
    A) Axoplasm
    B) mitochondria
    C) axon
    D) Myelin Sheath
    E) Neurotubules
    F) Node of Ranvier
    G) lipid
    H) Axon
    I) Schwann Cell