types of ltm

    Cards (7)

    • Tulving:
      • criticised MSM
      • proposed 3 types of LTM: procedural, episodic, semantic
    • semantic memory:
      • general knowledge + concepts
      • not time stamped
      • requires conscious effort to recall
      • less vulnerable to distortion + forgetting than episodic
    • episodic memory:
      • memory from events in our lives, time stamped
      • includes several elements
      • requires conscious effort to recall
      • more vulnerable to distortion or forgetting
    • procedural memory:
      • memory for actions/skills - no conscious effort to recall
      • implicit + non declarative
      • becomes automatic with practice, difficult to explain
    • EVALUATION: neurological evidence
      • brain scan studies - different types of memory stored, Tulving et al - perform various tasks whilst being scanned with PET scanner
      • semantic = left prefrontal cortex, episodic = right
      • physical reality to LTM stores, later confirmed, increased validity of findings
    • EVALUATION: clinical evidence from amnesia studies
      • HM - normal semantic memory, impaired functioning in episodic memory
      • clive wearing - could play piano, couldnt remember having learnt to play - good procedural, impaired episodic
      • clear separation of types of LTM
    • EVALUATION: problems with clinical evidence - difficult to form conclusion
      • lack of control variables - brain injuries were unexpected, no control of variables before or during surgery
      • no knowledge of individuals prior memories - cant determine severity
      • limits what studies tell us
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